A concern bunch is a geographic concentration of interrelated concerns, providers, and associated establishments in a peculiar field. Bunchs are considered to increase the productiveness with which companies can vie, nationally and globally, so the bunch arises because it provides the addition of productiveness and invention abilities ; for this ground its development should be supported non merely by cardinal authoritiess but besides by the local governments. It is a known fact that touristry, one of the most effectual purposes for development, is considered to be a prima factor in cultural, economical and societal positions through bunch types. In this survey, the potency of cultural touristry bunch and fight of Aksaray state has been analyzed in footings of Porter ‘s Diamond Model. Several informations beginnings including strategic development program and academic literature have been taken into consideration. In this respect, findings about whether there is truly a touristry bunch in Aksaray state have been stated and recommendations have been suggested to authorise the advanced advantage of cultural touristry bunch.



Tourism is considered to be a prima factor in cultural, economical and societal positions. It creates the development clime for the states. Although it has important effects for the states, development procedure of the touristry is thought to be started in regional conditions. As Opperman ( 1993 ) pointed out that if touristry importance is important at a national degree, at a regional degree this sector is presented as an indispensable tool in regional development and economic growing, believing to be one of the arms to avoid desertification and parts economic stagnancy, viz. in the interior parts. This research is structured as follows: it is designs a literature background which allows shaping and explicating a figure of constructs related to the bunchs, in peculiar of touristry, in footings of many research workers ‘ point of position. Then it presents some groundss about regional development samples and in conclusion it includes the version of Porter ‘s Diamond Model of Aksaray Province. It besides tries to show a conceptual theoretical account of regional fight of a touristry bunch which is taking to assist make fulling the spread within this field besides the supplying a possible tool garrison he following surveies about the regional development processes for the other metropoliss in Turkey.

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The overall intent of this survey is to stress the importance of bunchs within touristry sector. It aims to supply an apprehension that clusters non merely supply an chance of economic development, but besides a higher degree of invention and an increased fight to the touristry sector. In this survey, the potency of cultural touristry bunch and fight of Aksaray state is analyzed. Several informations beginnings including strategic development programs and academic literature have been taken into consideration. In this respect, findings about whether there is truly a touristry bunch in Aksaray state are stated and recommendations are suggested to authorise the advanced advantage of cultural touristry bunch.

Theoretical Model

There are many surveies covering with the bunchs, touristry and invention in the universe, but as a touristry Eden, Turkey still has a few academic plants about these constructs. In today ‘s universe, invention is the cardinal construct for the development in each field, so it is evidently critical that invention should be clarified before covering with the bunchs. The term invention derives from the Latin word innovatus, which is the noun signifier of innovare “ to regenerate or alter, ” stemming from in- ” into ” + novus- ” new ” . Although the term is loosely used, invention by and large refers to the creative activity of better or more effectual merchandises, procedures, engineerings, or thoughts that affect markets, authoritiess, and society. Invention differs from innovation or redevelopment in that invention by and large signifies a significant alteration compared to wholly new or incremental alterations ( URL 1 ) . Invention is non an activity of a individual concern ; it requires an active hunt affecting several houses to tap new beginnings of cognition and engineering and use these in merchandises and production procedures. In many states, bunchs of advanced houses are driving growing and employment. Advanced bunchs of economic activity are going magnets for new engineering, skilled forces and research investing. These groups of endeavors tend to be good established and stable, introducing through strong backward and forward linkages with providers and clients. Co-operation in bunchs has progressively become a demand for success. Furthermore, co-operation offers a direct manner to better economic public presentation and cut down costs ( OECD, 1999 ) . Harmonizing to Porter ( 1998 ) , “ In theory, location should no longer be a beginning of competitory advantage. Open planetary markets, rapid transit, high velocity communications should let any company to beginning any thing from any topographic point at any clip. ” This may be perfectly true, but in today ‘s universe, locations lose their importance because of the usage of information engineerings, but locations are besides the key construct for supplying competitory advantages. The cluster term indicates that concerns grow in certain parts as opposed to others for other grounds than pure economical factors. It highlights the importance of research and invention every bit good as entree to skilled work force, quality instruction and investing capital ( Nordin, 2003 ) . The bunch construct focuses on the linkages and mutualities among histrions in the value concatenation in bring forthing merchandises and services and introducing. Bunchs differ from other signifiers of co-operation and webs in that the histrions involved in a bunch are linked in a value concatenation. The bunch construct goes beyond “ simple ” horizontal webs in which houses, runing on the same end-product market and belonging to the same industry group, co-operate on facets such as R & A ; D, presentation programmes, corporate selling or buying policy ( OECD, 1999 ) . Bunchs are used to stand for concentrations of companies, so that they can bring forth synergism, through their geographical propinquity and their mutuality ( Rosenfeld, 1997 ) . Feser ( 1998 ) points out those economic bunchs do n’t mention merely to industries and establishments, but to the extremely competitory industries and establishments. This fight is because of the dealingss between them. An advanced bunch is defined as a big figure of inter-related industries with a high grade of coaction, and that operates in the same market with the same features ( Simmie and Sennett, 1999 ) . Bunchs are of import for competition since they increase productiveness, they direct the way of invention and excite the formation of new concerns, in add-on, the geographical concentration allow companies to run with greater productiveness in the hunt for inputs such as specialised labor and specialised machinery and constituents providers, aside from facilitate entree to information and engineering. Tourism bunch is a geographic concentration of companies and establishments interconnected in touristry activities. This includes providers, services, authoritiess, establishments, universities and rivals ( Capone, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Ferreira ( 2003 ) touristry bunch includes, in add-on to the activities considered in the touristry sector, viz. adjustment, catering, amusement and assorted attractive forces, operators and travel bureaus, ushers, trades, auto leases and touristic conveyance, other services and related and support activities, like organisations and

Support services, transport substructure, instruction and preparation, consultancy and other concern services. We can verify that there are no significant differences between the bunch ‘s definition in a general range, and the bunch ‘s construct when applied to the touristry industry. The touristry bunch, as bunchs in general, is defined as a geographical concentration in a part of companies and establishments inter-related. Harmonizing to Jackson and Murphy ( 2002 ) , the very authoritiess are who identify touristry as a possible manner to accomplish economic development given the employment scarceness in the traditional sectors of economic system. Harmonizing to Botti et Al. ( 2008 ) , geographical propinquity plays an of import function in the perceptual experience of the public presentation of touristry organisations, in order to keep the endurance of touristry concerns and contribute to the fight of the touristry sector. Harmonizing to Botti et Al. ( 2008 ) , geographical propinquity plays an of import function in the perceptual experience of the public presentation of touristry organisations, in order to keep the endurance of touristry concerns and contribute to the fight of the touristry sector.


Launched in March 2007, “ Development of a National Bunch Policy ” is an EU-funded proficient aid undertaking that seeks to lend to amplification of a national bunch policy through development of a whitepaper on constellating. The Undertaking has been implemented by the under secreA­tariat for Foreign Trade with the proficient aid of an international pool. The Undertaking was composed of three constituents: establishment edifice, policy development, a bunch function. The undertaking involved 10 metropoliss in Turkey, but unluckily Aksaray was non involved in this bunch list.

In 2011, Aksaray state strategical development program has been developed by supports of the academicians, politicians, concerns and voluntaries. Harmonizing to this study, touristry sector in Aksaray state is non a bunch illustration but shows the potency of cultural touristry constellating. Particularly, Centre of the town, Ihlara and Monastery Valley, Guzelyurt, and GulaAYac have the potency of cultural touristry bunch. Table 1 illustrates the Numberss of visitants and we may connote the potency of cultural touristry of the state.

Number of the Visitors

















































28,89Table 1: Number of the visitants in footings of the metropoliss

As it is indicated in this study, the most important touristry bunch illustrations are given as A°stanbul, Cappadocia, Antalya, MuAYla, A°zmir, BeypazarA± , Safranbolu and Bursa. From this point of position, Aksaray state which has a high potency of cultural touristry potency at the regional degree should be analyzed in footings of the Porter ‘s Diamond Model. This theoretical account includes determiners of national advantage. In his celebrated survey, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Porter ( 1990 ) indicates that ;

Factor conditions can be thought as human resources, physical resources, cognition resources, capital resources and substructure etc. They besides include factors like quality of research on universities, deregulating of labor markets, or liquidness of national stock markets. It is pointed out that these factors are non needfully nature-made or inherited.

Demand conditions can assist concerns make a competitory advantage. These conditions have impact on the way of invention and merchandise development.

Related and back uping industries create the position of being or non-existence of internationally competitory provision industries and back uping industries. These industries can bring forth inputs which are of import for invention and internationalisation.

Firm scheme, construction and competition footings imply the conditions in a state and features of domestic competition. TheyA constitute the 4th determiner of fight. The manner in which companies are created, set ends and are managed is of import for success.

Government can act upon each of the above four determiners of fight. Clearly authorities can act upon the supply conditions of cardinal production factors, demand conditions in the place market, and competition between houses.

Porter ‘s diamond theoretical account suggests that there are built-in grounds why some states, and industries within states, are more competitory than others on a planetary graduated table. As it can be seen in the tabular array 2, there are many advantages every bit good as disadvantages for Aksaray in footings of cultural touristry bunchs. Factor conditions indicate that this state is in the center of Turkey and really near to other Cultural touristry Centres as Cappadocia and Konya. Besides its next states are NiAYde to the sou’-east and KA±rAYehir to the north and of class NevAYehir to the E. The absence of vocational classs and in-service preparation seminars about touristry sector and absence of a close airdrome besides the non-sufficient cooperation and involuntariness of concerns occur as the disadvantages of this state. Besides the deficiency of planning for the provincial conditions makes us believe about the negative sides.

Fortunately, this is a part of great natural beauty and Aksaray is one of the four much-visited states in the country of Cappadocia, along with NevAYehir, NiAYde and Kayseri. Besides the 3,000 thousand vent Mount Hasan stands between Aksaray and NiAYde. The 2400kmA? salt lake, lies within the boundaries of Aksaray, a big country of swamp with a maximal deepness of 1 metre. Having the of import historical topographic points like AAYA±klA± Hoyuk, a burial hill 25 kilometer E of the metropolis, Acemhoyuk, an early Bronze Age colony, which is 18 km north-west of the metropolis, the ancient metropolis of Nora and a great figure of historical mosques and churches in Ihlara Valley. Besides that, advantages and disadvantages of the metropolis are indicated and differences in footings of the factor conditions, demand conditions, house scheme, construction, and competition, related-supporting industries and the function of authorities can easy be seen in the figure 1 ( Barca and Others, 2011 ) .

Diamond Model



Factor Conditionss

-Closeness to Cappadocia part.

-Closeness to spiritual touristry countries like Konya and Kayseri

– Presence of Ihlara and Monastery Valleys

-Presence of many historical artifacts for spiritual touristry

-Confluence point for the large metropoliss: Konya, Kayseri, Ankara

Presence of possible for the cultural, winter, spiritual touristry.

-Absence of vocational classs and in-service preparation seminars about touristry

-Airport is an hr off

-University-tourism cooperation is non sufficient

-Unwillingness of the concerns for set uping a web of relationships at the national and regional graduated table.

-Absence of a planning for provincial coordination

Demand Conditionss

-Being in the center of Turkey.

-Developing dealingss with the Middle East.

-Close cultural dealingss with Arab and Islamic Regions.

-Increasing demand for the cultural and spiritual touristry in the universe and in our state.

-Less qualified adjustment and catering installations

-Lack of travel bureaus working in the part

-Ihlara Valley being non included in The World Heritage List

-Monastery Valley being non included in The World Heritage List

-Facilities of Hasan Mountain has non been completed

Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry

-Existence of possible for cultural touristry

– Initial investing and operating costs for investors in the touristry industry are more attractive than other sectors.

-The presence of little and moderate-sized concerns in the cordial reception industry and their susceptibleness to co-operation

-unique chances for cultural touristry in footings of pensioning

-Underdeveloped entrepreneurial civilization,

-New markets ‘ developing research civilization,

-The job of institutionalization,

-Cooperation among houses is developing,

-The graduated table job

-Underdeveloped selling and branding accomplishments on the footing of finishs

Related and Supporting Industries

-Closeness to Cappadocia part

-Strong potency of cultural touristry every bit good as winter touristry, metropolis touristry, rural touristry and spa touristry

-City touristry substructure

-Rural touristry substructure

-Winter touristry substructure

-Thermal touristry substructure

The Role of Government

-The presence of inducements

-The strong co-ordination -between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Governor, Chamber of Commerce and the University for the development of touristry surveies.

-Lack of region-specific touristry inducements.

-Lack of communicating between local bureaus and the private sector.

-Government inducements are non equal.

Table 2. Cultural Tourism Diamond Model of Aksaray Province ( Barca and Others, 2011 )

Factor Conditionss


*Closeness to Cappadocia part, *Closeness to spiritual touristry countries like Konya and Kayseri, *Presence of Ihlara and Monastery Valleys, *Presence of many historical artefacts for spiritual touristry, *Confluence point for the large metropoliss: Konya, Kayseri, Ankara, *Presence of potency for the cultural, winter, spiritual touristry.


*Absence of vocational classs and in-service preparation seminars about touristry, *Airport is an hr off, *University-tourism cooperation is non sufficient, *Unwillingness of the concerns for set uping a web of relationships at the national and regional graduated table, *Absence of a planning for provincial coordination

Demand Conditionss


*Being in the center of Turkey,

*Developing dealingss with the Middle East,

*Close cultural dealingss with Arab and Islamic Regions, *Increasing demand for the cultural and spiritual touristry in the universe and in our state.


*Less qualified adjustment and catering installations,

*Lack of travel bureaus working in the part,

*Ihlara Valley being non included in The World Heritage List,

*Monastery Valley being non included in The World Heritage List,

*Facilities of Hasan Mountain have non been completed.

Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry


*Existence of possible for cultural touristry, *Initial investing and operating costs for investors in the touristry industry are more attractive than other sectors, *The presence of little and moderate-sized concerns in the cordial reception industry and their susceptibleness to co-operation*Unique chances for cultural touristry in footings of pensioning.


*Underdeveloped entrepreneurial civilization, *New markets ‘ developing research civilization, *The job of institutionalization, *Cooperation among houses is developing, *The graduated table job *Underdeveloped selling and branding accomplishments on the footing of finishs.

Related and Supporting Industries


*Closeness to Cappadocia part,

*Strong potency of cultural touristry every bit good as winter touristry, metropolis touristry, rural touristry and spa touristry.


*City touristry substructure

*Rural touristry substructure

*Winter touristry substructure

*Thermal touristry substructure

Figure 1: Diamond Model of Aksaray Cultural Tourism


Tourism is the taking factor of development for the states. It non merely creates the appropriate clime but besides serve as a regional chance, but in today ‘s universe merely touristry is non the key of success, it should be combined with other procedures. For illustration, people in the sector should follow the technological opportunities and trade with the inventions. They should prosecute their dreams. Otherwise if the sector remains still while the universe is altering, there is no uncertainty that there wo n’t be any betterments. So, touristry construct should be dealt with the bunch term which is the concentration of interrelated concerns within the same sector. In this survey, potency of cultural touristry bunch and fight of Aksaray state has been analyzed. Strategic development program of the metropolis which was carried out in 2011 and other academic surveies have been presented in order to turn out the potency of cultural touristry. Besides, Porter ‘s Diamond Model was applied for the metropolis, advantages and disadvantages for different status types have been given. Findingss about if there is truly a touristry bunch in Aksaray state have been tried to be stated, so it is concluded that there is a great potency but it can non be said that there is cluster inclination really. In this respect, findings show us that the metropolis is in the center of the state and this makes the transit easy. Besides developing dealingss with the Middle East close cultural dealingss with Arab and Islamic Regions and increasing demand for the cultural and spiritual touristry in the universe and in our state demo the potency of cultural touristry and indicate the demand for bunchs. Though the absence of vocational classs and in-service preparation seminars about touristry sector and absence of a close airdrome besides the non-sufficient cooperation and involuntariness of concerns occur as the disadvantages and the deficiency of planning for the provincial conditions makes us believe about the negative sides, but they are non the indissoluble jobs. In add-on to the consequences of the survey, recommendations should be given. In this regard, we believe that except for the written surveies, there should be digital information supplies giving information about the beauties of the part because this is the part of great natural beauty and Aksaray is one of the four much-visited states in the country of Cappadocia. Having the of import historical topographic points like AAYA±klA± Hoyuk, Acemhoyuk, the ancient metropolis of Nora and a great figure of historical mosques-churches in Ihlara Valley, the potency of cultural touristry is increased. Furthermore, people covering with the touristry sector should cognize the effects of information engineerings and of class the cyberspace. What is implied here is that touristry sector needs to people who have internet cognition desperately. These people will convey both necessary know-how and dynamism to the sector.

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