That all work forces of whatever race, colour, or credo were created with equal rights ; That all work forces have unalienable rights to their ain spiritual patterns and their public presentation ; that all work forces have unalienable rights to their ain lives ; that all work forces have unalienable rights on their saneness ; that all work forces have unalienable rights to their ain defence ; that all work forces have unalienable rights to gestate, take, aid or back up their ain organisations, churches and authoritiess ; that all work forces have unalienable rights to believe freely, to speak freely, to compose freely their ain sentiments and the counter or utter or compose upon the sentiments of others ; that all work forces have unalienable rights to the creative activity of their ain sort ; that the psyches of work forces have the rights of work forces ; that the survey of the head and the healing of mentally caused ailments should non be alienated from faith or condoned in non-religious Fieldss. And that no bureau less than God has the power to suspend or put aside these rights, overtly or covertly. And we of the church believe ; that adult male is fundamentally god ; that he is seeking to last ; that his endurance depends upon himself and upon his chaps and his attainment of brotherhood with the existence. And we of the church believe that the Torahs of God forbid adult male ; to destruct his ain sort ; to destruct the saneness of another ; to destruct or enslave another ‘s psyche ; to destruct or cut down the endurance of one ‘s comrades or one ‘s group. And we of the church believe that the spirit ca be saved and that the spirit entirely may salvage or mend the organic structure.

After we did this supplication the priest started reading and explicating a discourse of Ron Hubbard it was about personal unity which means what we observe it has three roots

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Affinitive, world and communicating affinitive is sympathetic love, the same energy illustration two people agree with the world and be able to pass on with each other

World is the contact with sense channels and that ‘s how we are in contact with the physical existence. Communication is understanding world and affinitive the three of them need to interact be together. After this we went into a room and they played a picture about an Interview with Ron Hubbard. He talked about Scientology and the a survey he invented called Dianetics which is the religious engineering that can assist relieve such complaints as unwanted esthesiss and emotions, irrational frights and psychosomatic unwellness cause or aggravated by mental emphasis. The word Dianetics comes from the Grecian word Defense Intelligence Agency, intending through and nous, psyche. Dianetics is what the psyche is making to the organic structure through the head. Scientology, on the other manus, is the survey and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, to the existence and to other life. Through the pattern of Scientology one can increase his religious consciousness and ability to recognize his ain immortality. The word Scientology comes from the Latin word Scio, intending know and the Grecian word Logos, intending the word or outward from by which the inward idea is expressed and made known. Thus, Scientology means cognizing about knowing, it is non a dogmatic faith in which 1 is asked to believe anything on religion

After the picture the priest ask the audience to stand up to state the last supplication call Prayer For Entire Freedom:

May the writer of the universe enable all work forces to make an apprehension of their religious nature.

May consciousness and apprehension of life expand, so that all may come to cognize the writer of the existence.

And may others besides reach this apprehension which brings entire freedom.

At this clip, we think of those whose autonomy is threatened ; of those who have suffered imprisonment for their beliefs ; of those who are enslaved or martyred, and for all those who are brutalized, trapped or attacked.

We pray that human rights will be preserved so that all people may believe and idolize freely, so that freedom will one time once more be seen in our land.

Freedom from war, and poorness, and want ; freedom to be ; freedom to make and freedom to hold.

Freedom to utilize and understand adult male ‘s possible a possible that is God-given and Godlike.

And freedom to accomplish that understanding and consciousness that is entire freedom

May God allow it be so.

Scientology is a faith which recognizes that adult male is fundamentally good and offer tools anyone can utilize to go happier and more able as a individual and better conditions in life for himself and others, and to derive a profound apprehension of the supreme being and his relationship to the Godhead. Developed by Ron. Hubbard, Scientology engineering provides exact rules and a practical engineering for bettering religious consciousness, assurance, intelligence and ability. Scientology comprises a organic structure of cognition which extends from certain cardinal push. Prime among these:

Man is an immortal religious being.

His experience extends good beyond a individual life-time.

His capablenesss are limitless, even if non soon realized.

Scientology believes that adult male and his religious redemption depends upon himself, his chaps and his attainment of brotherhood with the existence. The ultimate end of Scientology is true religious enlightenment and freedom for the person. Scientology is therefore a faith in the oldest sense of the word. Scientology helps adult male go more cognizant of God, more cognizant of his ain religious nature and that of those around him. Scientology recognizes that there is an full dynamic impulse or motive in life devoted to the supreme being.

Scientology is therefore a faith in the oldest sense of the word. Scientology helps adult male go more cognizant of God, more cognizant of his ain religious nature and that of those around him. Scientology Scripture recognizes that there is an full moral force ( urge or motive in life ) devoted to the Supreme Being ( the 8th moral force ) and another moral force that trades entirely with one ‘s impulse toward being as a spirit ( the of the word. Scientology helps adult male go more cognizant of God, religious nature and that of those around him. Scientology Scripture recognizes that there is an full moral force ( urge or motive in life ) devoted to the Supreme Being ( the 8th moral force ) and another moral force that trades entirely with one ‘s impulse toward being as a spirit ( the 7th moral force ) . Recognition of these facets of life is a traditional feature of faiths.

f life is a traditional feature of faiths.

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