The FSANZ phone study of striplings and immature grownups in Australia found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were more likely to devour sugar-sweetened soft drinks compared to other Australians ( 72 per cent versus 50 per cent ) and consumed significantly larger sums ( 249 milliliter versus 128 milliliter per twenty-four hours ) ( Food Standards Australia New Zealand 2003a ) . The 2004 SPANS study of kids in Old ages 6–10 in NSW found ingestion of soft drinks to be lowest among pupils of Asiatic background and highest among male childs of Southern European and Middle Eastern background ( Booth et al. 2006 ) .

Gender Fewer misss than male childs consume soft drink in Australia. and among those that do. girls consume smaller sums of soft drink than male childs ( subdivision 2. 2 ) . This gender consequence has been observed in Europe besides. For illustration. the big WHO collaborative cross-national survey of Health Behaviours among School-aged Children 2001–02 showed that misss by and large consume less soft drink than male childs ( Vereecken et al. 2005b ) . Psycho-Social Factors 3. 2. 1 Personal Factors Personal factors appear to chair the relationship between environmental factors and behavior.

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In Norway. personal penchants. i. e. gustatory sensation. was the figure one determiner of soft drink ingestion. and attitude was the 4th most of import determiner of soft drink ingestion in striplings. with the environmental factors of handiness and modeling ( ingestion behavior of important others ) in between ( Bere et al. 2007 ) . Soft drink ingestion in school-aged kids has been notably correlated with gustatory sensation penchants in other surveies ( Grimm et al. 2004 ) . In one survey of 8–13 twelvemonth olds in the US. those who reported the strongest gustatory sensation penchant were 4.

5 times more likely to devour soft drinks five or more times per hebdomad compared with those with a lower gustatory sensation penchant. A focal point group survey with groups of kids aged 8–9 old ages and 13–14 old ages showed that younger kids prefer the gustatory sensation of still. fruit-flavoured drinks and striplings prefer the gustatory sensation of carbonated drinks ( May and Waterhouse 2003 ) . Attitude and subjective norm ( perceptual experience of other people’s positions and attitudes towards soft imbibe ingestion ) . together with sensed behavioral control. explained 60 per cent of the discrepancy in purpose to imbibe regular soft drinks in 13–18 twelvemonth olds in the US ( Kassem et al. 2003 ; Kassem and Lee 2004 ) .

However. gustatory sensation enjoyment was one of the most prognostic expected outcome beliefs of regular soft drink ingestion. In slaking of thirst was the 2nd most of import forecaster of attitude. after gustatory sensation. towards imbibing soft drinks — yet soft drinks have been found to be hapless at slaking thirst when compared to H2O ( Rolls et al. 1990 ; Brouns et Al. 1998 ) .

Parents and friends have been identified as being more influential than equals in the ingestion forms of younger kids aged 8–9 old ages in the UK ( May and Waterhouse 2003 ) . although equal groups are considered to play a greater function in adolescence ( Buchanan and Coulson 2006 ) . Cost. handiness and thirst were more of import in older kids aged 13–4 old ages. In the NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey 2004 ( SPANS ) of kids aged 5–16 old ages. equal influences were non peculiarly evident in soft drinks attitudes and intended ingestion ( Booth et al. 2006 ) .

Adolescents who perceived more societal force per unit area to restrict soft drink ingestion were found to be more likely to devour more in the Study on Medical Information and Lifestyle in Eindhoven ( SMILE ) survey in The Netherlands ( de Bruijn et Al. 2007 ) . The SMILE survey besides showed that moderate “agreeableness” ( a step of adolescents” willingness to follow with parental patterns and regulations ) of striplings is associated with less soft drink ingestion. nevertheless. those that were most “agreeable” consumed a batch ( de Bruijn et Al. 2007 ) .

This was attributed to force per unit areas outside of the place environment — pro-social motivations where those most agreeable wanted to “fit in” . It is postulated that the more agreeable striplings were more inclined to populate up to outlooks raised by prototype-based advertizements and selling. One of the few surveies analyzing the factors impacting soft drink ingestion in grownups showed that ingestion of sugar-sweetened soft drinks was associated with less reticent and more external feeding. i. e. sensitive to external stimulations such as gustatory sensation ( Elfhag et al. 2007 ) .

The survey. conducted among 3265 grownups in Sweden showed that. in contrast. diet soft drinks were consumed by individuals with a higher organic structure mass index ( BMI ) ( perchance in an effort to cut down their weight ) . more reticent feeding and more emotional feeding. Parents as Models A survey in Australia showed that the influence of female parents. either as theoretical accounts of eating behaviors or as the suppliers of nutrient. is permeant ( Campbell et al. 2007 ) . Parental soft drink ingestion was positively associated with younger children’s intake in two surveies ( Grimm et al. 2004 ; Vereecken et Al. 2004 ) .

Mother’s ingestion was found to be an independent forecaster for regular soft drink ingestion among kids in Belgium ( Vereecken et al. 2004 ) . In the US. kids aged 8–13 old ages whose parents on a regular basis drank soft drinks were about three times more likely to devour soft drinks five or more times per hebdomad compared with those whose parents did non on a regular basis imbibe soft drinks ( Grimm et al. 2004 ) . A higher frequence of fixing nutrient was found to be related to lower consumptions of carbonated drinks among female striplings in the US ( Larson et al. 2006 ) .

Rearing Styles Less restrictive parenting patterns are associated with a higher ingestion of healthier nutrient options such as fruit and veggies in kids ; nevertheless the grounds is non every bit ambiguous for soft drinks. Indeed. the converse has been found in some recent surveies. For illustration. new wave der Horst et Al found that in The Netherlands less restrictive parenting patterns. associating to specific behaviors such as “food rules” . were associated with higher ingestion of sugar-sweetened drinks among 383 striplings ( van der Horst et Al. 2007 ) .

This association was independent of sensed parenting patterns by the striplings. and was mediated by attitude. self-efficacy and modeling from parents ( parental ingestion ) . The association was strongest among striplings who perceived their parents as being reasonably rigorous and extremely involved. These writers concluded that parents should be involved in intercessions aimed at altering dietetic behaviors including soft drink ingestion and that intercessions aimed at the publicity of healthy parenting patterns are best tailored to the general parenting manner of the participants ( for illustration. rigorous and/or involved ) .

More restrictive parenting patterns were besides found to be associated with less soft drink ingestion ( De Bourdeaudhuij and Van Oost 2000 ) and rigorous parenting patterns were found to be associated with less soft drink ingestion in a recent survey in The Netherlands ( de Bruijn et Al. 2007 ) . However. findings from surveies among younger kids suggest that rigorous parental patterns can in fact addition children’s penchants for. and consumption of. the restricted nutrients. These different findings may associate to differences in the type of patterns used between age groups.

For illustration. parents of younger kids might utilize force per unit area to acquire their kids to eat more or may curtail entree to certain nutrients. For striplings. parents might utilize clearly defined regulations about the times when a certain nutrient can be eaten and how much of a certain nutrient they can eat. Environmental Factors 3. 3. 1 Soft Drink Availability Availability at School Increased soft drink ingestion has been related to the handiness of soft drinks in peddling machines in the school environment in a figure of surveies.

However. it appears that when soft drinks are omnipresent in schools the nexus between ingestion and handiness is less discernable ( Gallic et Al. 2003 ; Grimm et Al. 2004 ; Vereecken et Al. 2005a ) . Access to peddling machines selling soft drinks in schools in the US was non related to ingestion in either male childs or misss ( Kassem et al. 2003 ; Kassem and Lee 2004 ) . In Norway. most soft drink ingestion occurs outside of school despite soft drinks presently still being available in schools ( Bere et al. 2007 ) .

Peddling machines were non available in schools involved in a survey of stripling soft drink ingestion in the UK ( Buchanan and Coulson 2006 ) ; and this survey found that ingestion of soft drinks was higher at the weekends. However. the handiness of soft drinks at school. either in the school canteen or in peddling machines. may direct messages to kids that they are suited drinks ; besides their easy handiness at schools negates the demand to supply H2O.

The sale of nutrients and drinks at schools is likely to hold a ripple consequence in the community ( Bell and Swinburn 2005 ) . therefore censoring soft drinks at schools conveys a healthy message to kids and this message has the possible to impact community attitudes. In recent old ages four Australian province authoritiess ( New South Wales. Victoria. South Australia and Western Australia ) have consequently imposed a prohibition on the sale of soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened drinks by canteens in public schools ( Bell and Swinburn 2005 ) . In NSW this prohibition on sugar-sweetened drinks is portion of Fresh Tastes @ School. the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.

Sugar-sweetened drinks with more than 300 kJ per service or more than 100 milligram of Na per service have non been allowed in school canteens and peddling machines in NSW since Term 1. 2007 ( NSW Department of Health and NSW Department of Education & A ; Training 2006 ) . These drinks include: soft drinks. energy drinks. fruit drinks. flavoured mineral Waterss. athleticss drinks. liqueurs. iced teas. sweetened Waterss. athleticss Waterss. and flavoured crushed ice drinks. In Victoria the prohibition extends to high-energy. high-sugar soft drinks brought in to school. Portion Size.

The drink industry has steadily increased container sizes over the last 50 old ages. In the 1950s the criterion functioning size was a 200 milliliter bottle. which increased to a 375 milliliter can. which was superseded by a 600 milliliter bottle. Surveies have shown that the larger the container. the more people are likely to imbibe. particularly when they assume they are purchasing single-serve size containers. For illustration. Flood et Als have shown that increasing drink part size from 350 milliliters to 530 milliliters significantly increased the weight of drink consumed irrespective of drink type — in this instance regular Cola. diet Cola or H2O ( Flood et al. 2006 ) .

As a effect. energy consumption increased 10 per cent for adult females and 26 per cent for work forces when there was a 50 per cent addition in the part of regular Cola served. Food consumption did non differ under the controlled conditions ; therefore overall energy consumption was increased as a consequence of the excess energy from the larger drink consumption. Most late. a survey showed that increasing part sizes of all nutrients and drinks consumed by survey participants by 50 per cent of baseline increased energy consumption from all nutrient and drink classs. demur fruit as a bite and veggies. for an 11-day period ( Rolls et al. 2007 ) .

The sum of drink consumed increased from about 470 milliliter in both adult females and work forces to 557 milliliters in adult females and 630 milliliter in work forces. Disproportionate pricing patterns besides encourage people to imbibe big helpings as these frequently cost merely a fraction more than the smaller helpings ( Young and Nestle 2002 ) . Large service sizes contribute to an “obesogenic” environment. as they facilitate extra ingestion of energy ( Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee 2005 ) . Dietary guidelines and public runs have highlighted the importance of part size as a cardinal construct related to energy consumption ( Matthiessen et al. 2003 ) .

Cost In a figure of documents. Drewnoswki and colleagues intent that the chief issue in relation to nutrient-poor nutrients and drinks and fleshiness is the cost ; that is. nutrient-dense diets are more dearly-won than nutrient-poor. energy-dense nutrients which are comparatively inexpensive. Drewnowski and Bellisle ( 2007 ) conclude that the obesity-promoting capacity of different drinks is linked non so much by their sugar content but by their low monetary value. although these research workers concur that gustatory sensation is likely to be the chief factor impacting the obesity-promoting capacity of soft drinks ( Refer to Section 3.

1 ) . Cost was reported as being an of import determiner of carbonated soft drink ingestion. as opposed to fruit juice and still fruit drinks. in kids aged 13–14 old ages in a survey in the UK ( Buchanan and Coulson 2006 ) . Availability and thirst were besides recognised as of import determiners. although foremost was gustatory sensation.

Exposure to Television advertisement Television is a medium through which kids are normally exposed to nutrient selling. Food sellers advertise to a great extent during children’s scheduling in Australia ( Hastings et al. 2007 ; Kelly et al. 2007 ) . and soft drink is systematically featured near the top of the list of advertised nutrient points in different states. including Australia ( Kotz and Story 1994 ; Lemos 2004 ) . Increased soft drink ingestion has been related to Television exposure in a figure of surveies ( Grimm et al. 2004 ; van den Bulck and new wave Mierlo 2004 ; Utter et Al. 2006 ) .

The relationship was observed for stripling boys merely — non misss — in a recent survey of kids in classs 7–8 in Belgium ( Haerens et al. 2007 ) .

A survey of kids aged 5–6 old ages and 10–12 old ages in Melbourne showed that kids who watched Television for more than 2 hours per twenty-four hours were 2. 3 times more likely to devour? 1 serve/day of high-energy drinks than kids who watched less than or equal to 2 hours of Television per twenty-four hours ( Salmon et al. 2006 ) . Functional Drinks 5. 4. 1 Sports Drinks Sports drinks were designed to help athletics public presentation every bit good as provide rehydration after featuring events. They contain 6–8 per cent saccharides. normally in the signifier of sugar. plus other electrolytes ( Sports Dietitians Australia 2007 ) .

As the name implies. athletics drinks are designed for athleticss participants. Using sport drinks for normal hydration intents is non recommended because of their energy content ( one 600 ml bottle of sport drinks provides around 780 kJ ) and their sourness which is associated with the same dental wellness jobs as soft drinks.

In Australia athleticss drinks presently account for less than 5 per cent of the more than 1. 3 billion liters of non-alcoholic drinks sold per annum. but the sale of athleticss drinks is turning faster than most other drinks ( Australian Convenience Store News 2006 ) .

Energy Drinks In recent old ages. energy drinks have besides been introduced as alternate premium merchandises to ordinary soft drinks. Their gross revenues have risen rapidly and it has been reported that in the United States energy drinks outperformed all other drink classs. with more than 500 per cent growing in gross revenues from 2001–06 ( Montalvo 2007 ) .

The Australian Convenience Store News ( Nov/Dec 2006 ) indicates that energy drinks accounted for 22 per cent of entire drink gross revenues. Most consumers were in the 15–39 age bracket and ingestion is somewhat skewed towards males ( Australian Convenience Store News 2006 ) .

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