There are absolute truths that exist in the existence that all people are held accountable to. Absolute truth is merely that there is a truth or a set of truths that apply to everyone. These truths are non a affair of sentiment they are true irrespective of what a individual thinks about them. For a truth to be an absolute it depends on the individual, clip, and location. This means that clip, location, and the individual who said it bind truth claims. Relativism says that whatever you believe to be true is what is true. This comes out in the common phrase “ it ‘s true for you but non for me. ” This individual has to believe that all the actions of other people are true for them. This believe of truth is merely unlogical in that it is self-defeating. These people are stating that all truth is comparative which means that it is comparative to them that all truth is subjective but for me all truth is n’t subjective which is a direct contradiction and we both ca n’t be right.

Truth has to match to world and we cant justice truth based on our feelings. We have to see if the claim corresponds to reality to formalize whether the peculiar event or action is true. If it does n’t match to reality so we come to the decision that the event or action is non true. For illustration if some individual believes that the temblor in Haiti ne’er happened because it makes them experience bad that does n’t alter the world that the temblor really happened. ( Hardy, 41 )

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These believes transpire into their position of faith in that they have to believe that whatever a peculiar individual believes about God is true for them. A true relativist so has to believe that all faiths are true which is pluralism. This believe that all faiths are true is irrational and non logically possible. This individual has to state that everything about each faith is wholly true which is impossible because of the infinite contradictions between each of the assorted faiths. Two thoughts can non coexist when they are the exact antonym and both be proclaimed as true. At least one of them has to be incorrect. This contradiction job goes into moral relativism in that there can be no ethical motives or a set of what is good and bad if what good and bad depends on the given individual. Murder could be good for one person and immorality for another. For every thought there can be a possible contradiction that makes relativism self-defeating in that two antonyms cant be true in the same clip and topographic point. ( Hardy, 39 )

Should we be disbelieving about everything?

We should non be disbelieving about everything. There are some things that we can cognize for certain such as mathematics. There are four types of justification that can be used to warrant a belief. The first manner to warrant a belief is authorization. This is non a full cogent evidence system as the authorization can be incorrect but it is a good mention point and a trust worthy sentiment if this individual is an expert in the peculiar field you are inquiring about. The 2nd is reason. This is the best justification to utilize in finding if something is true. This uses merely logic to warrant a statement and it can be rationally argued and proven that the thought logically makes sense. A syllogism is normally used in reason. A syllogism consists of two premises and a decision. If the content of the premises corresponds to world and the syllogism is right so the decision is incontrovertible and we can cognize for certain that this statement is true. ( Hardy, 48 )

The concluding two ways for justification are non every bit solid as the first two as both use senses and feelings for justification. The 3rd justification is empiricist philosophy, which is the usage of the sense to warrant a claim. An empiricist insists that there has to be some centripetal grounds to turn out something to be true. These people depend on centripetal information and rely less on pure logic to warrant something as cognition. This is a utile manner to see if something is true as it is based on the “ give me proof ” slogan of the current universe. If there is sufficient cogent evidence for an event so that event is concluded to be true, but this justification can be incorrect. The last justification is ISA or Immediate centripetal consciousness. This is the worse sort of justification out of the four. It uses sudden, impulse senses to come to a decision. Unlike empiricist philosophy, ISA does non supply any grounds to back up its claims. All the claims made are unexamined esthesiss and can easy be incorrect, which is why it is the least used to adequately warrant something as cognition. With these four types of justification we can reason that we can no things for certain and we do n’t hold to be disbelieving about everything. ( Hardy, 50 )

Is there any cogent evidence that God exists?

There are three really good statements for Gods being, the Teleological statement, the Moral statement, and the Cosmological statement. They chief construct behind these statements is the usage of forensic scientific discipline. Forensic scientific discipline attempt ‘s to detect what caused an event or a series of events to happen. The Cosmologic statement uses this exceptionally good. The point of the statement is to turn out how the material universe or universe came into being. The statement is that if the universe is comprised of finite existences that depend on one another for their being so there must be an ageless, infinite being that grounds all of being. Therefore there must be come causeless cause that has caused everything else to be. ( Hardy, 95 )

The chief onslaught the Cosmological statement makes is that it is impossible to hold and infinite reasoning backward of causes. The point is that someplace the line of human construct has to come to a birth topographic point and that that birth topographic point has to be caused by a being that has no cause. The cause and consequence procedure can non be continually go oning in the yesteryear and a starting point has to hold occurred which is the bases of the statement. The strength of the statement is that people agree that it is unlogical to hold an infinite reasoning backward of events. Peoples accept this based on the rule of causality, which means for every consequence there must be a cause. The decision that you come to is that there must be a Godhead that caused the event to take topographic point and any decision other than this is merely unacceptable. An causeless, ageless Godhead or first event starting motor is a necessary status to the origin of the existence and without it ; it is impossible for the existence to hold come into being. ( Hardy, 96 )

Is the Bible simply fabulous narratives?

The thought that the Bible is made up of fabulous narratives with no truth behind them is a bold claim to do. It can be proven that the Bible is comprised of historical events that really took topographic point in clip. The people, topographic points, and events described in the Bible are non mere dark clip narratives that work forces made up to assist at that place childs go to kip but accurate facts to steer work forces through life. Historians compare the facts and events recorded in the Bible to outside records and the events in the Bible lucifer up precisely to what the exterior records have. To state that the Bible is a fictional book is non merely an abuse to history but shows how this individual has a terrible deficiency of cognition on the facts environing history as a whole. The people who wrote the Bible were non doing up narratives, but were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit led them to compose what they wrote down and it was non by at that place ain power that they came to compose these narratives down. The Bible is the lone book in history that has proven prognostications that is fulfilled. It can be proven with the dead sea coils that the prognostication ‘s in Isaiah were non inserted after the clip of Jesus, but had been recorded hundred of old ages before. It is irrational to state that the lone book in the history of the universe that has fulfilled prognostication is a prevarication. If anything, this should turn out that the remainder of the Bible can be trusted as fact. If the Bible can state us about the hereafter, it should be no job to state us about the present and the yesteryear.

No clip in history have work forces written prevarications and so devotedly followed them no affair what they were put up against. If these work forces had so made up these narratives when it came clip that their life was on the line and all they had to make to salvage their life was abdicate their Hagiographas surly one of these work forces would hold admitted that they made the whole thing up and salvage his life. Alternatively all of the work forces who wrote the bulk of the New Testament were killed for there believes. Of the 12 adherents who most avidly believed and wrote most of the New Testament 11 of them were killed for there believes and ridiculed for them. All of them were persecuted for the bulk of their lives. If they had made up these narratives they would non hold suffered and finally died for something that they knew was a prevarication. It is pathetic to state that the Bible should non be taken as fact when it has been proven once more and once more that the contents fit up with all other historical histories of the clip period that the Bible screens.

Why must God be an infinite being? Why ca n’t at that place be multiple Gods, and why ca n’t God be limited?

The being that created the existence must hold certain properties about him to logically do sense that he is the being that caused the existence to come into being. One of the properties that this being must hold is that he must be infinite. This being has to be infinite because this is the lone logical manner that he can be. It is impossible to hold an space reasoning backward which is the cause and consequence scenario traveling back everlastingly with no 1 get downing point. Everyone believes and understands that this is impossible and there has to be a starting point for the existence. So with this fact understood one has to reason that the being that caused the first event to take topographic point has to be outside of clip and has to be uncaused. If he is in clip so he is non infinite because he is limited in clip and if he is caused so we are right back to an infinite reasoning backward, which can non logically occur. Therefore by looking at the universe full of causes and effects we should be able to reason that an infinite reasoning backward can non be and there must be a thing that does non hold a Godhead. This being has to hold started the concatenation of events that has given us our occur state of affairs. ( Hardy, 96 )

Now that it is established that the being that started the concatenation of events has to be infinite, free thought, finite Godism, and maltheism can non logically exist because each of these bound God. Deism is impossible in that it limits Gods ability to interact with his creative activity. If this being has the power to make another being, certainly he has the ability to interact with them and be apart of his creative activity. Therefore if God is unable to interact with his creative activity so he is non infinite and can non be the God that created the existence. Finite Godism is rather merely unlogical in that you have many Supreme beings that are non infinite existences but merely a caused being in the infinite reasoning backward concatenation. This is unlogical to hold many limited Supreme beings that are capable of alteration. If this God is limited in any manner, than it is impossible that this God is the Godhead of the existence. Maltheism is one of the easiest faiths to rebut in that it makes absolute no logical sense and is utterly impossible. To hold a God that is wholly evil is impossible because immorality is the absence of good. So this God, if he were to be in pure immorality, would non be at all. There would be nil at that place if he was wholly evil and this God can non be the cause of the existence because he is non even in being, which makes him limited. ( Hardy, 78 )

How make you cognize that the space being you believe in is the God of the Bible?

The space being that is the cause of the existence has to be almighty, omnibenevolent, and omniscient. The Godhead of the existence has to posses these properties and the God of the Bible has all of these indispensable qualities. The Bible reveals to us the qualities that God of the Bible has in many different poetries written by different others across a broad period of clip. In Luke 18:27 it says, “ Jesus replied, “ What is impossible with work forces is possible with God. ” This shows that God is almighty and that he can make things that adult male is incapable of making. In Genesis 18:14 it says, “ Is anything excessively hard for the LORD? ” This poetry shows that God proclaims that he can make anything within his nature to the full extent. In Ephesians 3:17-19 it explains Supreme beings love to us when it says, “ I pray that you… may hold power, together with all the saints, to hold on how broad and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. ” This poetry shows how the love of God is so great for us and it is ne’er stoping. Isaiah 40:14 shows Gods omniscience when it says, “ Whom did the LORD consult to edify him, and who taught him the right manner? Who was it that taught him cognition or showed him the way of understanding? ” This poetry reveals to us that God is all knowing and that no 1 has taught him anything nor has he learned anything, but he has ever known everything.

The most of import quality that the God of the Bible has is that he is infinite and ageless. As proven that the being that created the existence must hold these properties, it is critical that the God of the Bible have these qualities. Jeremiah 23:24 provinces, “ Can anyone conceal in secret topographic points so that I can non see him? ” declares the LORD. “ Do non I fill heaven and earth? ” declares the LORD. ” This poetry shows that God is infinite and ageless and is farther explained in 1 Kings 8:27 when it says, “ But will God truly brood on Earth? The celestial spheres, even the highest Eden, can non incorporate you. ” This poetry shows how God is infinite and nil can incorporate him.

7. ) If there is a God and He is almighty, omnibenevolent, and omniscient, why is at that place evil? If God created everything, so did n’t he make evil?

God did n’t make evil because immorality it non a thing to be created. Evil is an imperfectness that a being was intended to hold but deficiencies. When an point or creative activity does n’t hold something it was given by the Godhead so it is evil. Evil is something losing that the thing is expected to hold. It is impossible to hold a wholly evil thing because if it is missing everything it is designed to hold so nil is even at that place. A thing can non stay itself and be wholly evil. Being is good and if the thing is wholly evil that means it is non-existent. Therefore God did non make immorality, he created a perfect existence but his creative activity corrupted the universe. When his creative activity had a hole in what they were intended to be this whole was merely named immorality. Evil is merely the name of the imperfectness that adult male brought upon himself. ( Hardy, 106 )

God allowed immoralities to come into the universe because he gave humans the power of free pick. With this power given to us we cant expect God to come in an prevent an action that we chose non to go on. That would get the better of the intent of free pick. God either had to make a universe where adult male had the power to take and hold the possibility of evil, or he had to make a universe made up of basically automatons because he would hold to do the pick for them every clip they had an chance to compensate or wrong. A good action can be made and evil can be an unwilled by-product of that initial good act. Such as when God created worlds, immorality was an unwilled by-product of his good act. Therefore sometimes evil is non a pick but and unwilled affect of good. An evil act can be used by God to hold a greater good come out of it. Such every bit courage as without immorality at that place would non be an chance to be brave. Without evil some of the most extraordinary events in adult males history would non hold been possible. To hold triumph you have to hold and enemy to contend against. ( Hardy, 108 )

8. ) The lone possible account of our being is natural choice.

In order to do this claim and deny all other possibilities, evolutionists have to hold an equal sum of prove in their favour. This is merely merely non the instance in that there is non about adequate grounds for a individual to do the claim that development is the undisputed manner that life came into being. There are so many inquiry Markss in the evolutionary tree that evolutionist ‘s ca n’t reply that to state development disproves God is irrational and without virtue. The Bible does non state what a twenty-four hours is, so the Bible may non be speaking about actual 24 hr periods. A twenty-four hours could be ten thousand old ages ; we do n’t cognize the exact sum so this does n’t confute that fact of God merely because we ca n’t state how long the Earth took to make. Evolution has far more jobs so merely the definition of a word. All of the evolutionists claim that we bit by bit evolved from assorted signifier over an huge sum of clip. This is a good theory for them, but there is non one piece of physical grounds in the dodo record to endorse up the claims that they are doing. If all the animals of the universe were invariably altering and “ germinating ” from signifier to organize so one would believe that we would happen some of these passage signifiers in the dodo record. The fact is that there is non one passage signifier of any animal found in any of the dodo beds. All of the signifiers found in the dodo bed appear in there original province and there are no mark of macroevolution alteration at all. This seems to be a bigger job so what the evolutionists try to reason as monolithic jobs that the Bible has. The issues with the Bible are minimum inside informations at best while the job with development is at the anchor of their statement.

With Darwin as the head designer in development he said if any signifier could be proven to hold irreducible complexness than his full theory would fall apart. With the progresss in engineering since the clip of Darwin, we have been able to demo how complex even the simplest being is. With this in head it does n’t do sense that the people who follow Darwin ‘s thoughts would go on to follow them when Darwin said he would discontinue to believe in his ain theories if this could be proven. Now that scientific discipline has been able to demo how DNA maps and how complex its interior workings are it has become unlogical to believe that this complex thing come about by mere random opportunity and that the more clip you ad, the more likely it is to happen. You can add as much clip as you want, but a creative activity is n’t traveling to come out of nil no affair how much clip you allot to it.

9. ) What makes Jesus so different? What did he state that was so alone?

While Jesus did walk the Earth as a adult male, he was like no adult male that has of all time walked the Earth before or of all time will. He was God in human signifier and he allow the universe know this, he let the Earth cognize why he was here and what his intent was. The Bible explains to us really clearly that Jesus is God and that he had come to the Earth to decease for the wickednesss of the universe. It was merely by Jesus that we can cognize the male parent and while Jesus was on Earth he let us cognize this by his words. In 2 Peter 1:1 it says, “ To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a religion every bit cherished as ours. ” This poetry shows that Jesus was God and he was considered the Jesus of the universe. Jesus made bold claims in John 5:17-18 when he said, “ My Father is ever at his work to this really twenty-four hours, and I, excessively, am working. ” In poetry 18 it continues to state, “ For this ground the Jews tried all the harder to kill him ; non merely was he interrupting the Sabbath, but he was even naming God his ain Father, doing himself equal with God. ” Jesus was really blunt with his words and got right to the point. He knew he was God and he allow all the people he was about know that he was God and had come to salvage them.

Jesus continues to allow people cognize why he has come when in John 8:24 he says, “ I told you that you would decease in your wickednesss ; if you do non believe that I am the 1 I claim to be, you will so decease in your wickednesss. ” Jesus is stating that he is God and has the power to take away the wickednesss of the universe and salvage us from ageless penalty. Jesus ca n’t be any clearer in proclaiming he is God so when he says in John 10:30-33, “ Then the Jews took up rocks once more to lapidate Him. Jesus answered them, “ Many good plants I have shown you from My Father. For which of those plants do you lapidate Me? ”

The Jews answered Him, stating, “ For a good work we do non lapidate You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, do Yourself God. ” The claims that Jesus make are really alone in that he is claiming to be God and is so God. In one of the most accepted poetries of Bible Jesus reveals to us his intent in coming down to Earth and life as a adult male in John 14:6-7 when he says, “ Jesus said to him, “ I am the manner, the truth, and the life. No 1 comes to the Father except through Me. ” It does n’t acquire much clearer than that, that Jesus claimed to be God in human signifier and came to Earth to salvage us from ageless separation from God. The words that Jesus spoke while on this Earth are really alone and do him highly different from any adult male that has of all time roamed the Earth.

10. ) Why do Christians believe that there are three Supreme beings in one? Is n’t this Polytheism?

The three of Christianity is non comprised of three Gods but one God who is three in individual. We believe that God is one being and this can be seen as far back as the Old Testament. Such as in Deuteronomy 6:4 “ Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one ” The Bible describes God as one being non three. The Bible shows how God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are godly. If all three are godly so they have to be a three. God the Father ‘s is non questioned to whether he is godly but Jesus and the Holy Spirit are.

The Bible shows times when Jesus made claims that he was God and other clip he claimed to hold godly properties such as being ageless and almighty. Evidence can besides be found when Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah and the Son of God. When a priest asked him if he “ was the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One. ” Jesus answered, “ I am, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right manus of the Mighty One. ” The priests all condemned him as he was claiming to be God. The adherents and all the people who believed in Christ back so all believed he was the Son of God and portion of the godly nature. Jesus claims to hold existed for infinity in John 17:5 when he says “ Father, laud me in your presence with the glorification I had with you before the universe began. ” Jesus is given the power to forgive wickednesss in Acts 5:31 when it says “ God exalted him to his ain right manus as Prince and Savior that he might give penitence and forgiveness of wickednesss to Israel. ” The Old Testament clarifies that it is God who creates and ends life and yet Jesus has this ability every bit good. When Jesus accepted worship in John 9:38 he is acknowledging he is God as work forces and angels are forbidden to accept worship. Paul states that Jesus created everything, has authorization over everyone, and sustains the being of the universe bespeaking that Jesus is so God. ( Hardy, 147 )

There is besides grounds in the Bible for the Holy Spirit to be considered God. In 2 Playboies 3:17 Paul provinces “ Now the Lord is the Spirit ” Peter so affirms the Holy Spirit as God when he is speaking to Ananias and says that he has lied to the Holy Spirit so subsequently says it is such a dangerous wickedness because he has non lied to adult male but to God. The Holy Spirit besides possesses godly features such as being ubiquitous and the Holy Spirit is said to be ageless in 1 Corinthians 2:10. In decision Gods Spirit is associated with God the male parent in creative activity and he is involved with the Godhead in the work of salvation. ( Hardy, 149 )

11. ) What does a individual have to make to go a Christian? Why is it necessary? Why ca n’t you merely be good and acquire into Eden?

The Bible Teachs that the lone manner to acquire into Eden is through his boy Jesus Christ. No adult male is good plenty to work his manner into Eden. Redemption is by grace entirely and no affair how good you are no adult male by himself is righteous plenty to come in into the land of the Lord. In order to come in heaven you have to be perfect and no adult male can gain flawlessness. Romans 3:23 provinces “ For all have sinned and come short of the glorification of God. ” This poetry shows that no adult male is perfect and the lone manner to hold ageless life is through Jesus Christ. Man deserves decease and without Jesus ‘ forfeit at that place would be no hope for the universe. Romans 6:23 provinces, “ For the rewards of wickedness is decease, but the gift of God is ageless life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ” God does non desire to direct his creative activity to hell. He loved us so much that he created a manner out of our duty and took the monetary value of wickedness off from us and set it on himself. Ezekiel 33:11 provinces “ I have no pleasance in the decease of the wicked, but that the wicked bend from his manner and unrecorded. ” God is all-just and the punishment for wickedness is decease so God will hold to divide us from him both physically and spiritually if you do n’t accept his gift of ageless life he has no pick but to direct you to hell. This is the lone manner that adult male can come in into the land of Eden, plants will non be plenty to pay for the wickednesss you have committed while on this Earth. Jesus is the lone manner to God, if adult male could work his manner into Eden there would be no demand for Jesus, but because no sum of good workss will do, Jesus came to Earth to suppress decease and give us a pick to populate with him everlastingly in Eden.

12. ) Where are you at in your religious journey?

My religious journey began when I was in 2nd class on the manner to school with my pa and older brother. They were speaking about the Sunday school service the twenty-four hours before because my pa was one of the assistants at the childs ‘ service and my brother was stating how he had given his life to Jesus and I did n’t cognize what he was speaking approximately. So I asked my pa what he meant and my pa pulled over in a parking batch and he explained the narrative of Jesus and how he loved me and died for my wickednesss and the lone manner to acquire into Eden was to accept Jesus into my bosom. So I prayed the evildoer ‘s supplication and asked Jesus to come into my life that twenty-four hours.

Over the old ages since so I went to church with my parents because that was merely a given in our household. It was n’t an option on Sunday forenoons in my house. It was acquire up and travel to church and that was that. Both of my parents were really involved at the church we went to. My pa was one of the childs ‘ leaders and my ma would assist. At that point in my life I did n’t truly cognize why I believed in Jesus I merely did because that ‘s what my parents believed. Once I got into high school I truly began to do Christianity my ain and began to understand what it meant to be a Christian. It made sense to me, all the statements for God and why he was necessary and it all truly came together for me during the last twosome of old ages. It truly moved on from believing it because that ‘s what was expected of me to believing it because I want to believe it and it makes sense to me.

I ‘m at the point in my walk were I ‘m merely seeking to populate the right manner, even though I have my battles now and so I try to populate the right manner and obey what God has told us. My walk at this point is pretty normal I think in that I ‘ve been blessed to ne’er hold had to travel through anything really dramatic that truly tested my religion to the extreme. I merely take each twenty-four hours at a clip and seek to react to each state of affairs the right manner and seek non to make anything that I will repent subsequently. I have n’t had anything alteration in my life this twelvemonth that is fixing me to travel to college that I can believe of. I ‘m merely traveling to go on to seek and populate right and remain off from the enticements that are around me in college. If decidedly feel near plenty to Christ that when I get to college I ‘m non traveling to throw my religion out the window and unrecorded nevertheless I want. My religion is of import to me and I would n’t endanger my hereafter in the universe merely for a few old ages making whatever I please. I ‘m really calling minded and I think that will maintain me on path in college in that I do n’t desire to hold anything on my sketch that is traveling to ache me for the remainder of my life. I hope that God will steer me to do wise determinations in college and maintain me out of state of affairss where I could be in problem. I want God to hold a high precedence in college and my end is to go on to turn in religion and knowledge the following four old ages of my life and come out of college ready to take on whatever the universe throws at me.

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