Is Genesis 1-3 Discriminatory Towards Women?

The first six chapters of Genesis are about the creative activity of the existence and the beginnings of humanity. Possibly more than any other scriptural narrative, those which make up the book of Genesis are considered to incarnate cultural, spiritual, and political symbols. Therefore, Genesis is important to this twenty-four hours because it is an aetiologic text. In peculiar, the narrative of Adam and Eve is indispensable in understanding gender functions and differences today. Discoursing the relationship between Adam and Eve and the creative activity of the two figures by God frequently brings about contention. It is obvious that the Bible, in peculiar chapters 1-6 of Genesis, has an copiousness of illustrations where sexism towards adult females exists ; nevertheless, some may construe these illustrations with different significance. Phyllis Trible, for case, rejects the impression that Eve is an inferior or dependent being, but is instead the “ apogee ” of creative activity. These two opposite positions are so often argued because Eve represents the cardinal character and individuality of all adult females today. By analyzing the cases in Genesis which, to some, are seen as male chauvinist, one can understand the logical thinking behind gender function differences.

The impression that adult females are the inferior sex originates in the Bible at the really get downing. It is in the creative activity narrative itself where contention arises over gender equality. In Genesis 1:26-7, it appears as though equality between the sexes exists: “ So God created adult male in his ain image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them. ” The statement “ male and female created he them ” denotes equality because both sexes were established at the beginning ; nevertheless, we subsequently learn that God did non make them at the same clip nor did he make them in the same manner. Because Adam, representative of all work forces, was created foremost, Eve and all adult females likewise, are viewed as the “ 2nd sex. ” The order in which God created world is important because it stresses the primacy of adult male and his high quality while stressing that adult females play a low-level function. Does this mean that God favors adult male and intended for this set-up of gender functions? Phyllis Trible writes on this subject in her book, God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality.

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While many see the book of Genesis as a patriarchal text, proclaiming male high quality and female lower status as the will of God, Trible ‘s reading of Genesis offers a different position. She argues that the traditional readings of male high quality and female lower status are inaccurate and “ they fail to esteem the unity of this work as an interlacing construction of words and motives with its ain intrinsic value and significance. In short, these thoughts violate the rhetoric of the narrative ” ( 73 ) . The manner in which Trible argues against the traditional position of the book of Genesis is rather interesting. She is realistic and does non differ with the fact that the texts are sexist ; instead, she states that the Bible is patriarchal and that the literature comes from a male-dominated society. Her point of position is just ; she does non reject the obvious impression that sexism exists in Genesis. She adds that the purpose of the Bible is non to “ make nor perpetuate patriarchate but instead to work as redemption for both adult females and work forces ” ( 73 ) . Trible believes that the Bible is normally seen as male chauvinist because of the challenge readers face in being able to “ interpret scriptural religion without sexism. ”

Chapters one through three contain five points which are the most argumentative in all of Genesis. While there are readings for each point that take the male chauvinist attack, Phyllis Trible challenges these readings by interpreting them as non-sexist. The first of these argumentative points that appears in Genesis is the creative activity of world. When God creates humankind he says, “ Let us do adult male in our image, after our similitude… So God created adult male in his ain image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them ” ( Gen:26-27 ) . Earlier I mentioned how it appears as if God is every bit making the male and female sexes-he creates them in his ain image, blesses them, and says unto them, “ Be fruitful, and multiply, and refill the Earth… and have rule over… every life thing that moveth upon Earth ” ( Gen:27 ) . At this point-before Adam and Eve are created-the impression that God created the sexes every bit is largely incontestable ; nevertheless, one time we get to the creative activity of Adam and Eve, contention arises. The mere fact that God creates Adam foremost and Eve 2nd implies that the male sex is of greater significance because in general, first means superior and last agencies inferior. Trible argues against this reading by concentrating on the linguistic communication of the text. She notes that “ the remarkable word world, shows that male and female are non opposite but instead harmonious sexes… From the beginning, the word world is synonymous with the phrase ‘male and female, ‘ though the constituents of this phrase are non synonymous with each other ” ( 18 ) . This point can be argued because in some versions of the Bible, the word world is replaced with “ adult male, ” which clearly denotes male laterality. She concludes her statement by saying, “ Therefore, the vocabulary of humanity in the verse form disallows readings of the sexes as either opposite word or equivalent word. It recognizes differentiation within harmoniousness ” ( 18 ) . I find this statement to be weak because actions speak louder than words. The manner in which something is written and the pronouns used are non half every bit of import as what really happens. For illustration, the manner in which God creates Adam and Eve goes above and beyond to back up the impression that the male sex was created superior.

When God created Adam, He “ formed adult male of the dust of the land, and breathed into his anterior nariss the breath of life ; and adult male became a life psyche ” ( Gen 2:7 ) . Adam ‘s creative activity is extraordinary and needed God to utilize His Godhead power to organize this being. On the other manus, Eve ‘s creative activity is less important: “ the Lord God caused a deep slumber to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs… and made he a adult female, and brought her unto the adult male. And Adam said, This is now bone of my castanetss, flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man ” ( Gen 2:21-3 ) . The agencies by which Eve was created is adequate to be highly implicative that the adult female is inferior to adult male. To get down with, Eve is a derivative of Adam. She is literally created from the rib ( a really little portion ) of Adam, and therefore is dependent on him for life. The words “ she was taken out of Man ” stress this point and indicate that Eve will busy a topographic point secondary to Adam. There is no suggestion here that adult female might be superior or even equal to adult male after reading this transition. While it is impossible to reason with the written words that adult female was taken from adult male ‘s rib, Trible challenges the reading that adult male was responsible for adult female ‘s creative activity. She states that “ human life is God ‘s gift ; it is non ownership ” ( 81 ) . She believes that for both adult male and adult female, creative activity is an act of God and that when the adult male says “ bone of my castanetss and flesh of my flesh ” he is non connoting that she is derived from him or subordinate to him. Rather, he is stating that he portions every bit with the adult female the dust of the land and the beginning of their lives.

If the order in which adult male and adult female came to life and the agencies by which they were created are non plenty to convert you that Genesis is a sexist text, so possibly we should detect the ground why adult female was created in the first topographic point. After seting adult male on Earth, God said, “ It is non good that the adult male should be entirely ; I will do him an aid meet for him ” ( Gen 2:18 ) . It is merely so that God formed every life animal and later adult female is created. When God created Adam, He gave him a intent on Earth and undertakings to carry through: “ The Lord God took the adult male, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to maintain it ” ( Gen 2:15 ) . Additionally, “ Adam gave names to all cowss, and to the poultry of the air, and to every animal of the field ; but for Adam there was non found an aid meet for him ” ( Gen:20 ) . It is merely at this point-after Adam accomplished his undertakings such as calling the animals of the earth-that Eve is created. Therefore, it is obvious that adult female is created for the interest of adult male, simply to bring around his solitariness. Trible argues this impression that Eve was created for the exclusive intent of being Adam ‘s assistant by discoursing the interlingual rendition of the Hebrew text: “ The Hebrew word ezer, rendered here as ‘companion, ‘ has been traditionally translated as ‘helper’-a interlingual rendition that is wholly deceptive because the English word assistant suggests an helper, a subsidiary, so, an inferior, while the Hebrew word ezer carries no such intension ” ( 90 ) . Trible ‘s statement is interesting because one would ne’er cognize this fact by merely reading the King James Version of the Bible. However, I still find that even if Eve were a “ comrade ” she would still be low-level to Adam because of her function on Earth. If it had n’t been for Adam ‘s being ( and solitariness ) , Eve would ne’er hold been created ; therefore, she is produced for the interest of adult male.

The 4th point I found to be one of the most argumentative in all of Genesis is the naming of Woman. The fact that adult male names her clearly signifies that he has power over her, which in bend extends to universal male authorization. Adam has merely finished calling all the other animals on Earth after “ God brought them unto [ him ] to see what he would name them: and whatsoever Adam called every life animal, that was the name thereof ” ( Gen 2:19 ) . Immediately after Adam names the animals, he names the adult female: “ she shall be called adult female, because she was taken out of Man, ” ( Gen 2:23 ) . The scene where Adam names Eve demonstrates his authorization over her in a manner similar to that by which he named the animate beings. While I feel it is obvious that adult male named adult female in this scene, Phyllis Trible rejects this full impression. Merely as she did with the statements sing the order in which world was created and the intent for Eve ‘s being, Trible focal points on the linguistic communication of the text to back up her statement. nothings in on the diction of the text: “ she shall be called adult female ” ( Gen 2:23 ) . She believes that this does non connote Adam specifically named her, but instead she was to merely be called Woman. She explains that “ the verb call by itself does non intend naming ; merely when joined to the noun name does it go portion of a appellative expression… Hence, in naming the adult female, the adult male is non set uping power over her but joying in their mutualness ” ( 100 ) . I consider this statement to be peculiarly weak because she unreasonably discards this scene and generalizes that in order for the adult male to hold named the adult female, the diction in the text must be altered. While Trible focal points on the rhetoric, I feel that it is non the diction that is so indispensable to the text but instead the point that gets across.

The concluding point that is necessary to discourse in order to to the full understand why the Bible is a sexist text is the impression that adult females are considered to be responsible for the wickedness in the universe. This belief is a consequence of the narrative of the Garden of Eden. When Eve is tempted to eat the out fruit and in bend, tempts her hubby to eat it every bit good, mistake is placed on Eve and she is portrayed as the cause of humanity ‘s autumn. Both Adam and Eve are punished by God ; nevertheless, Eve ‘s penalty is more terrible than Adam ‘s: “ I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy construct, in sorrow 1000 shalt conveying forth kids ; and thy desire shall be to thy hubby, and he shall govern over thee ” ( Gen 3:16 ) . Eve is held responsible for the autumn of humanity despite Adam ‘s free will ; even though he listened to his married woman and ate the out fruit, he was non forced to make so. Obedience is the act of a pick. Why is it that, even though Adam and Eve committed the same offense, Eve is punished with hurting during childbearing and entry to her hubby? This can merely be explained by the fact that male authorization is favored in this woman hater text. However, some, such as Trible beg to differ. She believes that, because God curses the snake ( “ cursed are you ” ) and the adult male ( “ cursed is the Earth because of you ” ) and non the adult female anyplace else in the narrative, “ any claim that Yahweh ‘s opinion upon her is the most terrible of the three hesitations at this really point ” ( 126 ) . Additionally, she states that “ at the same clip, the deficiency of a expletive does non intend that she is less responsible than either the snake or the man-or that she is less a human being than the adult male ” ( 126 ) . Trible considers Eve ‘s penalty to be equal to Adam ‘s and that they are both held accountable for eating the out fruit: “ At their test, the inquiries of God made clear their single answerability ; likewise, their confessions, although given individually, indicated common duty. Therefore in opinion the adult female is neither more nor less responsible than adult male ” ( 127 ) . If Trible ‘s position is valid, so how can we explicate the logical thinking behind Eve ‘s low-level function to Adam? The reply is we can non ; it takes a perceptual experience such as that of Trible to understand the text in a non-sexist manner.

By remembering the five scenes I mentioned from Genesis, it is likely that one will comprehend them to be evidently misogynous. However, in order to happen the significance behind these scenes, one must associate them to how they affect us now. It is easy to pull analogues between Eve and modern twenty-four hours adult females due to jobs refering gender equality. Eve is representative of all adult females because she symbolizes the beginning of female lower status. Although feminist attempts are going more and more successful in equalising gender functions, there has long been favoritism towards the female sex. Not merely in the workplace and at place, but the repute of adult females has been seen as inferior to that of work forces. Now that we have analyzed a few important points in Genesis, we can pull decisions as to where and why female lower status began.

Plants Cited:

The Holy Bible, King James Version. New York: Penguin Group, 1974.

Trible, Phyllis. God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. Philadephia: Fortress Press, 1978.

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