We will seek and analyze the life and plants of Carl Gustav Jung ( 1875 1961 ) , by researching Jungian theories, such as, corporate unconscious, originals, dream reading, synchronism and individualization. We will besides look in to how Jung became the laminitis of Analytical Psychology, and how analytical psychological science differs from Sigmund Freuds ( 1856 1939 ) , depth psychology. This essay will besides demo the critics of Jung, their logical thinking and counter theories.

Carl Gustav Jung ( 1875 1961 ) was a Swiss psychologist and head-shrinker, who founded analytical psychological science, in some facets a response to Sigmund Freuds depth psychology. Jung proposed and developed the constructs of the extraverted and the introspective personality, originals, and the corporate unconscious ( Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011 ) . Jung received his formal surveies at the University of Basel, Switzerland. He ab initio studied the natural scientific disciplines, and went on to analyze medicine 1895-1900. While at the University, Jung read a text book on psychopathology by Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, and this text was cited as one of the chief grounds for Jungi??s determination to come in into the calling of psychopathology ( Weir, 1989: 17 ) . Jung in 1906 started letter writers with Sigmund Freud after directing his work i??Studies in word Associationi?? and besides publically back uping Sigmund Freudi??s depth psychology. Sigmund Freud responded by directing his latest published essays to Jung, which marked the start of a close personal and working relationship between these two advanced minds. However their relationship started to deteriorate when Jung started to oppugn the importance of gender as the motivation force. Jung besides felt that Freudi??s construct of the unconscious was limited and excessively negative. Alternatively of merely being a reservoir of repressed ideas and motives, as Freud believed, Jung argued that the unconscious could besides be a beginning of creativeness ( Psychology, 2011 ) .

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? Jung started to work on his ain theories and started to develop Analytical Psychology, which was distinguishable from Freudi??s depth psychology. Its purpose is wholeness through the integrating of unconscious forces and motives underlying human behavior. Depth psychological science, including archetypical psychological science, employs the theoretical account of the unconscious head as the beginning of mending and development in an person. Jung saw the mind as head, but besides admits the enigma of psyche, and used as empirical grounds, the pattern of an accumulative phenomenology around the significance of dreams, originals and mythology ( Wikipedia, 2011 ) . Jung identified five primary maps of the mind that are themselves originals, or cosmopolitan forms of experience:

? The Self, the modulating lope of the mind and facilitator of individualization – the representative of “ that integrity which the introverted doctrine of all times and climates has characterized with an unlimited assortment of symbols, names and constructs ” ( Jung, 1978: 180-1 )

? The Shadow, the antonym of the self-importance image, frequently incorporating qualities that the self-importance does non place with but possesses however

? The Anima, the feminine image in a adult male ‘s mind ; or:

? The Animus, the masculine image in a adult female ‘s mind

? The Persona, to Jung a mere “ functional composite… by no agencies indistinguishable to the individualism ” ( Jung, 1971: 465 ) , the manner we present to the universe – a mask which protects the Ego from negative images, and which by post-Jungians is sometimes considered an “ original… as a dynamic/structural constituent of the mind ” ( Bishop, P. 1999: 257 ) .

Dream Interpretations, was another country where Jung had a acute involvement in, although non disregarding Freudi??s theoretical account of Dream Interpretation as a whole, Jung believed Freudi??s impression of dreams as representations of unrealized wants to be simplistic and naif. Jung argued that Freud ‘s process of roll uping associations to a dream would convey penetrations into the dreamer ‘s mental complexi??a individual ‘s associations to anything will uncover the mental composite, as Jung had shown experimentallyi??but non needfully closer to the significance of the dream. Jung was convinced that the range of dream reading was larger, reflecting the profusion and complexness of the full unconscious, both personal and corporate. Jung believed the mind to be a self-acting being in which witting attitudes were likely to be compensated for unconsciously ( within the dream ) by their antonyms ( Wikipedia, 2011 ) . Jung was extremely interested in mythology and faiths of the universe, where he would utilize the past instructions of the eastern faiths, such as Buddhism and Taoism among many other old faiths to seek and happen an apprehension in to dreams. It should be noted that Jung himself was non a materialist but a mysterious. He dabbled in Alchemy, Kabbalah, Astrology and so on, seeing each as exhibiting hints to some grater spiritually based world. Furthermore, he used the theory of the corporate unconscious non merely to explicate cross-cultural similarities in mythology and psychological operation, but as already noted, to explicate alleged psychic phenomenon like foreknowledge, thought transference, and synchronism. All were, to Jung, manifestations of the corporate unconscious — that is, of our unobserved linkage, one psyche to another, and of our linkage to a higher order of intelligence ( Nndb, 2011 ) .

Many mainstream psychologists have complained that Jungi??s work can non be applied to the jobs of mundane life. Ironically, it was the advice of Carl Jung that led to the initiation of Alcoholics Anonymous and their 12 measure programme. Jungi??s theories on developmental psychological science, personality et Al, are still widely used in todayi??s sciencei??s, literature and societal surveies.

In decision, Carl Jung lived in an actively violent timeline where he experienced WW1 and WW2, besides the depressions of the 1900s. Jung did non believe in lone scientific discipline and argued that spiritualty was merely every bit of import in happening replies to psychological jobs. Due to his ain experiences, through dreams, symbolism and faith, Jung tried to organize his theories in a manner he could explicate. Although most of Jungi??s theories are similar to Freudi??s, unlike Freud, Jung did non believe that past experiences from childhood and pent-up memories of sexual impulses, formed who we are but instead it was the apprehension of integrity that could supply replies to the inquiries he had in clip. Jung did hold a batch of critics who did non merely believe in his theories and methods but they besides thought he was superstitious and a dreamer. They concluded that most of Jungi??s theories were untestable, merely like Freudi??s and had no topographic point in mundane psychological science or understanding the human mind. Even today Jungi??s research and theories live on whether people realise or non. His theory on developmental psychological science is used by different Fieldss of psychological science, every bit good as his theories in personalities ( introverts/extroverts ) , dream readings and so on. I would hold liked to travel deeper into the plants and theories of Carl G. Jung to give clear illustrations and betterments on his theories through clip. But unluckily without holding to hold on the foundation of Jungi??s work, I feel I am non in a place at the minute to make that.

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