
Feedback is an built-in portion of our interaction with the existent universe. It is bi-directional in nature i.e. as persons we either be given to give feedback or receive feedback in about every domain of our lives. Be it athleticss, political relations, amusement, literature, stock markets or calling, at some point of clip all of us tend to go a portion of this interaction. As a affair of fact, the general elections are a feedback of the state on the public presentation of the last authorities. The immense recoil that our national athleticss squads face after fiascos is besides a feedback of the people. The box-office destiny of a film, the popularity of a new piece of literature, one-year assessments of the employees in an organisation are all, in some sense, a feedback provided by the assorted organic structures involved in the communicating procedure.

Therefore, whatever be the event it is in human nature to consciously or unconsciously determine his external universe to the extent he can associate to it and feedback is the built-in mechanism towards accomplishing this end. Hence feedback is a manner to do sense of the existent universe. In fact, if we probe deeper, it becomes apparent that our mentalities, our ideas, our idiosyncrasies are all results of this changeless and absorbing interaction that we engage in. Thus giving and having feedback connects us, and our behavior, to the universe around us.

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The undermentioned survey is an effort to understand the human motivations that influence this communicating procedure and besides how the findings could be used to better organisational public presentation.


Feedback is basically a uninterrupted, unfastened bipartisan communicating between two or more parties. The parties involved may be an single and his immediate environment or a group and its immediate environment. However, irrespective of the parties involved, the function of feedback is basically to allow the concerned parties know how effectual they are in what they are seeking to carry through, or how they affect one another. It besides provides a manner for people to larn how they affect the universe around them, and therefore helps them to go more effectual.

Acerate leaf to state, feedback is important to any organisation for its ongoing development and growing. In the competitory environment that concerns operate today constructive feedback is highly critical for uninterrupted betterment. Again for an person, feedback is basically a agency for accomplishing the coveted end, be it professional excellence or personal growing. The really fact that we ca n’t see ourselves and hence see ourselves through the eyes of others underlines the importance of feedback at an single degree.

Now, the efficaciousness of any signifier of feedback depends on the mode in which it is delivered every bit good as the mode in which it is received. Furthermore, the nature of the feedback besides determines whether the really intent of the bipartisan communicating is met or non. In a nutshell, for an effectual communicating the feedback needs to be constructive, delivered in an effectual manner and received in an unfastened mode. Any feedback which is destructive or delivered inefficaciously or even received in a closed mode, defeats the really intent of the interaction.


Feedback has been used as a direction tool for many decennaries.The ground feedback has been recognized as of import in the work scene is that it influences behavior and plays a important function in the public presentation of an organisation. Harmonizing to Bandura, organisational public presentation is about “ accomplishing or exceling concern and societal aims and duties from the position of the judging party ” . As a affair of fact, effectual feedback at the organisation degree studies both the quality and measure of advancement towards accomplishing these desired aims and duties.

Again in any organisation it is the employees who play the most important function in accomplishing the coveted organisational public presentation. And employees need regular feedbacks about their public presentations as it helps them to cognize what to make and how good they are run intoing their ain ends. It besides shows that others are interested in what they are making. Generally, public presentation feedback leads to both improved public presentation and improved attitude. This in bend leads to increased occupation public presentation and better accomplishment of the targeted consequences.

“ Feedback is the grade to which transporting out the work activities required by the occupation consequences in the single obtaining direct and clear information about the effectivity of his or her public presentation. ”

However, feedback is more likely to be accepted and do some betterment merely when it is decently presented. In general it should concentrate on specific occupation behaviors, rely on nonsubjective informations instead than perceptual experiences and illations, be given shortly after a critical event and be checked for apprehension by the receiving system. Again employees at the lower degrees have a figure of communicating demands. Directors think that they understand their demands but frequently their employees do non believe so. This cardinal difference in perceptual experience tends to be at each degree of the organisations, thereby doing communicating more hard. Feedback completes the communicating cringle.

Therefore, harmonizing to him “ Concentrating on a house ‘s human resources could supply a important chance to procure a sustained border over rivals ” as the human resources are at the bosom of the feedback procedure.


The empirical survey undertaken for the current discourse was interview of 10s first twelvemonth pupils of XLRI, Business Management group. The pupils were selected on a random footing so as to do the survey free of any prejudice of the research worker. The extracts of the interviews of five of these pupils are presented in item in this paper. For the interest of namelessness requested, the individualities of these five pupils are being kept confidential and they will be referred to as respondents R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5.

Respondent R1 is a freshman from BITS PILANI. His avocations are watching and playing tennis. He besides loves playing hoops and hockey. His hometown is Hyderabad. Respondent R2 is a freshman from IP University. He is a passionate follower of cricket and besides plays the game truly good. And he hails from Delhi. Respondent R3 is a cat from Vijayawada. He is a pass-out from IIT Kharagpur and has three old ages of work experience and has keen involvement in all right humanistic disciplines. The research worker will be addressed as I for the interest of convenience. Respondent R4 is a pass-out from IIT-Delhi. He hails from Jaipur and is an all arounder in the true sense. Respondent R5 comes from Bhubaneswar. He has work experience of 23 months and loves going and watching films.

Following are the extracts of the interviews of these five respondents.

I: Before fall ining XLRI did you confer with anybody about the institute? Any specific ground, if you did confer with, for making so?

R1: Yes. I did confer with my seniors at XLRI. I knew that the information available exterior and the existent stats would differ, so to acquire first manus information I consulted my seniors.

R2: A A I consulted my coaching institute because I did n’t hold much anterior cognition, and wanted my instructors to steer me sing this.

R3: Yes. I wanted to happen the standing of the institute.

R4: Yes, I did confer with my friends, seniors and professors at training. The ground was that I had calls from other institutes like IIMK, SP JAIN and besides wanted to do certain of the arrangements.

R5: Yes, fundamentally wanted to cognize everything to contract down the options.

I: It seems you wanted to be certain of your pick. So what precisely you had in head when you consulted others?

R1: I had a occupation in manus and so wanted to be certain that my determination would really supply me with better chances career-wise as I am a freshman. Besides my past experiences, made me double-check my determination.

R2: I had a occupation in manus. So I wanted to do certain that this move would really turn out to be good to my calling. To be blunt, I was in a quandary whether to make my MBA right now or after deriving some work experience.

R3: I wanted to corroborate that MBA from XLRI will really complement my overall calling profile as I have done my graduation from IIT-KGP.



I: Make you still seek suggestions from the seniors here, possibly your wise man? If yes, what precisely you want to cognize from your wise man?

R1: Yes I do often reach my wise man every bit good as other seniors. It ‘s largely about arrangements and faculty members because there were a batch rumours about the asperity here.

R2: Yes, it ‘s largely about the arrangement procedure.

R3: Yes. I want to cognize about the commissions present in the campus, peculiarly about PlaceCom. I want to acquire a clear image on the arrangement procedure here and besides about the recruiters that visit the campus.

R4: Yeah I did, largely for arrangements and faculty members related questions. Besides I wanted to cognize how to execute good here and what all to make. Nowadays I do n’t reach them that frequently.


I: Have you contacted your industrial wise man yet? What precisely are you looking frontward to from your industrial wise man?

R1: No I have non contacted my industrial wise man. I want to cognize about any specific accomplishments we need to get at XL which will be utile for us subsequently in our occupations.

R2: No, non yet. I want to cognize about the manner I should near my SIP readyings.

R3: No. Not willing to reach as I do n’t believe the penetration provided will be that valuable.

R4: A No I have n’t. Actually I have n’t decided what precisely to inquire him.


I: Did you make full the spreadsheet on the suggested mess-food alterations? If non, why non?

R1: No I did non make full the spreadsheet. Well, I am from South, so do n’t believe my suggestions would hold been taken into history.

R2: No. Actually I am happy with the nutrient, no ailments.

R3: No. No assurance that the alterations will really take topographic point.

R4: No I did n’t. I do n’t hold any peculiar pick ; I can eat anything if it is prepared good.

R5: Yes, because I feel it ‘s of import to hold our say.

I: How do you respond when person criticizes you?

R1: If it is a equal my natural reaction would be to acquire angry, may experience bad but I think I ‘ll besides see whether the unfavorable judgment is valid and can be used to better myself.

R2: I ‘ll seek to take it in my pace and analyze the cause.

R3: It depends on the state of affairs. Though I may acquire angry ab initio, I ‘ll utilize the unfavorable judgment to better myself.

R4: I try to support myself by giving counter statements, but it truly depends on whether the unfavorable judgment has any substance in it.

R5: I tend to take it positively as I feel feedback is essentialA to better oneself. However unfavorable judgment has to be meaningful.

I: How will you manage a state of affairs where in your group public presentation is is acquiring impacted due to a peculiar member?

R1: I ‘ll seek to understand his jobs and will seek to assist him out. Because I believe at that place has to be a root cause to his behavior.

R2: I would wish to speak to that individual.

R3: I ‘ll sit with him and seek to explicate him the jobs due to his behavior.

R4: Initially I will seek to convey in his notice his defects but if he is non ready to alter I would instead get down disregarding him.

R5: I ‘ll speak it out with the individual as he needs to aline himself with the demands of the group.A

I: Are you cognizant of your failings? How do you seek to better them, in general? Will you mind taking person ‘s suggestions?

R1: Yes I am cognizant of my failings and seek to better them by consciously doing an attempt. But I am unfastened to suggestions.

R2: Yes, by working on them, and I like to take others sentiments.

R3: Yes.A I tend to work continuously on my failings to better in those countries. I do n’t mind taking suggestions.

R4: Yeah I am and I by and large contact people to cognize more about them. I try to work upon them and am ever unfastened to suggestions to better myself.

R5: I do n’t mind taking other ‘s suggestions although would prefer to work on them myself.A

I: Suppose the same individual, remarks adversely on your weak points or reveals the things to your friends. Will you still take his suggestions on bettering your failings, maintaining in head that they were really helpful?

R1: I may go on to take his suggestions. Not certain though.

R2: If his suggestions are truly helpful, I will decidedly go on to take his suggestions. I feel the issue is a minor one, but I ‘ll speak to him on this.

R3: No, as his attitude is non right.

R4: I will still see his suggestions, but merely after doing certain that he does n’t hold any purposes to botch my image.

R5: No.

The in-depth analysis of the interviews brings a whole new position to the procedure of feedback. It is apparent that persons seek feedback when they want to cut down uncertainness, peculiarly in new and unfamiliar state of affairss. Again, another cardinal factor brought to the bow is that there is ever an component of motivation that influences people to seek feedback. The terminal end could be anything but feedback is basically is seen as a medium to steer one to really accomplish these ends. Queerly, when people are certain of anything or they feel that there is barely anything to derive from the feedback, they normally refrain from seeking feedback. A cardinal point which comes out through this survey is that feedback, even if it is constructive, is barely acceptable if it amendss the image of the receiver in public. Ego excessively plays a large function in act uponing an person in his determination to seek feedback. But basically feedback has to be constructive even if it is negative in nature as persons are acute to larn from the feedback that they get. But frequently, ego comes in the manner and people perceive negative feedback as mere unfavorable judgment. Now, when we analyse the findings of the survey from the position of the feedback giver, it is seen apparent that the feedback given demands to be free from personal prejudice and has to be honest and it has to be clear in its contents. At the same clip feedback supplier needs to esteem the receiver. Another interesting determination of the survey is that different persons evaluate the benefits of seeking feedback with detrimental public image otherwise.


In this subdivision, we generalize the findings of our interviews with the campaigners on the footing of the conceptual model used. As stated earlier, feedback is an unfastened, bipartisan communicating. Hence we shall research both the sides of the communicating: giving feedback and having it.

A really basic theoretical account of communicating. The “ lightening bolt ” forms indicate noise, either internal or external

Giving Feedback

All of us spend our lives seeing ourselves through the eyes of others as we ca n’t see ourselves. And this is the really cause for the induction of the unfastened, bipartisan interaction that we engage in about day-to-day. Again, it is in human nature to influence and determine his external universe so that he can associate to it. And therefore when we give feedback to person, we really articulate what we want to see of ourselves in the other individual, so that we can associate to it. Thus the really purpose of giving feedback is to determine or model the individual at the having terminal to the extent one can associate to him.

Now, one of import facet of giving feedback is the nature of the feedback. We tend to give positive every bit good as negative feedback depending on the manner we perceive the demands and ends of the receiver, which in world reflect our ain ends and demands. In fact, if probed deeper, it is apparent that we, consciously or unconsciously, tend to give positive feedback when the action or the end of the receiver is in conformance with our ain ends. And we tend to give negative feedback as a disciplinary action to aline the ends of the receiver with our ain ends.

However one of import psychological factor that inhibits this natural giving of feedback is the fright of possible revenge or the fright of an emotional reaction. This fright, inherent in each of us, does frequently play a spoil-sport in the free and natural communicating procedure and we end up giving feedback which the receiver is largely likely to accept. Again, in the instance of certain persons, high quality complex forces them to hold and give feedback on each and every juncture, even to the non so acute receiver. Hence it is a pre-requisite that the individual giving feedback is cognizant of his biass and accustomed responses that cloud his perceptual experiences and finally take to a flawed and even destructive feedback.


There are two important factors which come into drama when one receives feedback

Nature of the feedback

Motivations behind seeking feedback

Normally all of us tend to appreciate the positive feedback provided to us while we are non so receptive to negative feedback, frequently perceived as unfavorable judgment. However, irrespective of the fact, whether the feedback provided is positive or negative, what additions precedence in finding the openness with which a feedback is received is the nature of the feedback i.e. whether it is constructive or destructive in nature. Both positive and negative feedback is accepted merely when the receiver feels that the feedback is constructive and helps him in accomplishing his coveted ends. However, if the negative feedback is destructive in nature the receiver is perfectly closed to it.

The 2nd critical facet of having or seeking feedback, peculiarly negative feedback, is the human motivations which consciously or unconsciously come into the image. Broadly talking, these motivations can be classified into the undermentioned three classs:

Ego of the receiver


Instrumental motivation

Ego of the receiver

The information disclosed in a feedback message frequently contains unfavorable information about unwanted behavior, disliked attitudes or disappointing public presentation. As such, feedback might ache the receiver ‘s feelings of self-worth, self-esteem and assurance. Hence an single frequently refrains from seeking feedback when he feels that feedback is potentially endangering to his self-importance. In fact human psychological science is such that we tend to seek less and less of feedback from others when we receive negative evaluations in the feedback.

However, there are persons who see negative feedback as an chance to better themselves and therefore seldom refrain from seeking feedback, even if it is negative. One common feature that these persons possess is high self-esteem and assurance in their abilities. On the other manus, people with low self-prides or low assurance tend to avoid negative feedback, even if it is constructive. In a nutshell, every person, either consciously or unconsciously evaluates the damaging impact negative feedback might hold on his self-importance.


Image-consciousness of an single frequently influences the manner he seeks or receives feedback and even the frequence. In general, people are sensitive to the sentiments others hold about them and desire to keep a favorable image to the populace. There are people who feel that seeking feedback from others will really damage their public image and hence to avoid these ‘face-loss ‘ costs, they refrain from seeking feedback in public. As a affair of fact, frequently it is seen that the image-consciousness is particularly a strong ground for non seeking feedback. The fact is that, consciously or unconsciously, all of us at certain points of clip really weigh the benefits of having feedback against the possible loss or harm to our public image.

Instrumental Motive

A dominating factor that influences the openness with which an person receives feedback is the instrumental motivations that he has. Any feedback which has informational value and helps a individual run into his ends and modulate his behavior, is frequently the one which is most sought after. Besides it is seen that as the perceived diagnostic value of feedback additions, persons seek it actively and more often. Feedback has been found to hold peculiarly high instrumental value in unsure state of affairss ; and this is exactly the ground why persons seek feedback more often under such fortunes.

Similarly, for a individual new to a occupation or organisation, feedback information is peculiarly valuable to further version taking to higher degrees of feedback-seeking in fledglings and a diminution in feedback-seeking when these employees become more acclimated to their environment. Another of import factor which influences the feedback seeking or having behavior of an person is his end orientation towards larning. Normally, persons with a learning end orientation attach more value to feedback, as it is instrumental in bettering their public presentation and, accordingly, seek feedback more often.

Therefore, the instrumental motor influences non merely the frequence of feedback-seeking behavior, but besides the beginnings from which an person seeks feedback. The more believable the beginning, the higher the instrumental value of the feedback, and therefore the more likely persons are to seek feedback from this beginning.


Feedback is of paramount importance to an person, a group and any organisation. An single demands changeless feedback from his friends, equals and all those who are a portion of his immediate environment as it helps him to rectify his errors, better his attitude and really enhances his public presentation. Therefore in today ‘s competitory universe every individual needs changeless feedback to accomplish both professional growing and personal growing. The fact that persons today are more egoistic makes feedback even more cherish-able as it ensures changeless interaction with all those who are impacted by the individual or impact him in return. It besides helps to cut down struggles and promotes harmony which in bend helps everyone to execute to his best potency. In a group, feedback assumes overriding importance as changeless interaction helps in cut downing the built-in tensenesss and run intoing the outlooks of the group as a whole. In fact feedback entirely can make the coveted synergism in a group which is critical to its success. Again, feedback at the single degree and at the group degree really helps in bettering the public presentation of the organisation as a whole. The construct of 360 degree feedback is really much relevant in today ‘s corporate universe. Besides known as multi-rater feedback it is defined as

“ a behavioral appraisal focused on obtaining feedback on an person ‘s public presentation relation to identify behaviors from those around the single including direct studies, equals, clients, supervisor, and even themselves. ”

As a affair of fact, it is widely recognized today that single public presentation is at the nucleus of organisational public presentation. Hence feedback at the single degree non merely proves to be good for the person but finally proves to be good for the organisation as a whole. However for the feedback to be effectual, it should hold the undermentioned characteristics

Feedback should be constructive

It should be honest

It should be delivered at the right clip

It should be provided at regular intervals

It should take to heighten, instead than diminished, relationship between the receiver and the transmitter.

Contribution TO OB

There have been a batch of surveies and research in the yesteryear on the human behavior to give and have feedback and the attendant influences of feedback on both single every bit good as group public presentation. The present paper attempts to see this critical facet of human behavior in a new visible radiation, by concentrating on the human psychological science that really determines the extent and the efficaciousness of this interaction from the double angle of giving and having feedback. It stresses on several human motivations that consciously or unconsciously impact the really procedure of feedback and the participants. The present discourse high spots how human motivations like fright, high quality composite and uncomfortableness with non-conformity of one ‘s ain ends, impact the really procedure of giving effectual every bit good as constructive feedback. It besides highlights how human motivations like self-importance, image-consciousness and terminal motor influence the procedure of having feedback in an unfastened mode. In add-on, the current treatment has besides tried to convey to the bow, albeit in a limited mode, how the interplay between the different motivations really influences the participants. Thus it is non really clear how an single resolutenesss conflicting motivations while seeking feedback. For illustration, an person who is new to an environment would wish to cut down the uncertainnesss but at the same clip he does non desire to portray a negative image to his co-workers. So how does the person, in such scenarios, weigh the value of seeking feedback against the cost of seeking such feedback? This interplay of conflicting motivations could likely be an country of survey in the hereafter.


The survey of feedback leads the research worker, on the footing of the conceptual model and empirical survey, to reason that feedback is basically an unfastened, bipartisan communicating which is effectual merely when it is reciprocally good. And therefore for a feedback to be effectual, it needs to be constructive irrespective of the fact whether it is positive or negative in nature. Again for any feedback to be effectual it needs to be seasonably, honest and really clear on the content so that either party can associate to it. Though human motivations will ever falsify the procedure to a certain grade, yet it is of import that the both the sides interact and do an effort to take the prejudices involved to the largest extent possible. Again, feedback is non merely important at the single degree, but even at the group and at the organisation degree.

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