Ideal President

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            From a personal standpoint, I would say that America is no longer on top of the list when it comes to science and technology. Hence, America is losing their pace as compared to other countries in their involvement in stem cell research and the utilization of renewable energy. Moreover, the article entitled “A more perfect union”, which was published in the L.A. Times, discusses different significant values and characteristics of the next president should entail. In the article, the discussion that the next United States president should be open to science and is aware of the planet’s limits as the primary topic that really caught my attention.

It is with much certainty that I strongly agree with this contention. This is due to the fact that my ideal president is someone that is committed and would work hard to place the entire American nation on the prime spot when it comes to scientific discoveries, more specifically in the field of natural sciences, and guide the country towards energy independence without harming the environment. The greater demands of sustainable development bear much on the idea that there should be considerations with regard to the environmental capacity of the planet. Likewise, it is important that development goes hand in hand with the said goals of the environment.

            Furthermore, I absolutely prefer a president that has so much interest in science. This is because of the fact that science will play an important role in the 21st century in providing solutions to the diverse problem of the community. In a sense, the United States is popular for its excellence in the field of science and technological advancement. It is considered that these has contributed much to the growth of the American economy and continued leadership.

            Nonetheless, the next president should implement new policies that would support and ensure that the United States would remain a leader when it comes to science and technology innovations. I want to ensure that the U.S. remains to be the captain of the ship that guides the direction of the field through the roughest of the seas and reap the comforts of the calm waters. Thus, the next president must be open to science, mainly because America is falling behind in this specific field, most significantly in stem cell research.

           Essentially, stem cell researching entails the potential discovery of cure for various illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, and bone disease. However, the current president has implemented a lot of restrictions on stem cell research and opposes federal funding for scientific research on embryonic stem cells. Research on embryonic stem cells raises ethical questions because the process involves destroying the embryo, which some people see as equivalent to destroying a potential human life. Many religious groups hold negative views on the research, including the current president.

            In contrary to this, I personally support this research because I believe that embryos which are microscopic cells do not represent human lives. Likewise, there are a lot of Americans who likewise expressed their support in such research for this entails potential therapeutic answers. From a personal point of view, the research renders the potential to save lives that makes it is absolutely worth exploring. From here, I absolutely support anything that can revolutionize medicine and improve the lives of people including my family.

Therefore, to be able to achieve this, the next president should share the same positive perception with regards to stem cell research and would advocate funding the scientists and major institutions working in such research. This is also to say that limitations to such should not be placed at the maximum possible level but should only be at the level of providing safety nets to maintain ethical considerations but would allow for advancements for the benefit of the society.

            Due to lack of funds, the United States had lost their position in the field of stem cell research to treat disease in European and Asian countries. Governments in these countries are open to such research and imposed fewer restrictions as compare to United States.

Therefore, scientists in these countries are given more freedom to do research. For instance, China is one of the most unrestrictive countries when it comes to implementing embryonic stem cell research policies in the world. America, on the other hand, continuous to fall behind the countries like South Korea or China if the current policy remains. I believe that rapid progress in stem cell research will come only with sufficient federal funds.

             Also, the United States need a president who understands the limit of our planet. This is because the demand to protect our environment entails greater emphasis more than ever due to environmental problems like global warming and energy crisis. Thus, the next president must take into consideration the insights of scientists with regards to climate change. According to most of the scientists, burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal causes greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide to escape into the air and that  these gases are causing the earth’s temperature to go higher.

The phenomenon of global warming is expected to cause sea level to rise, increase the intensity of extreme weather events, and significant changes to environments that can result to the extinction of many plants and animals. United States, however, continues to be the top contributor in both carbon dioxide emissions and consumption of oil. In line with this, the entire American nation must break away from utilizing fossil fuels with the goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The only way to achieve is to use alternative renewable energy.

            Due to continuous price increases in oil products and current economic situations, United States need for alternative energy is indeed a significant topic. Majority of the oils that the Americans use are imported from other countries and the country is spending billions of dollars on foreign oil to support the land’s energy requirement.

In addition to this, such oil crisis also incorporates increase in food prices and transportation cost, which associates adverse effect for the people and businesses. Nevertheless, the entire American country is in need of new directions on energy policies as the power or energy crisis should no longer be addressed by utilizing more oils for this only worsen the problem in pollution.

          Particularly, I prefer a president who has the capability to free the country from its current state of oil dependence.  Other countries are ahead of America in energy independence such as Brazil, where majority of the automobile are powered by ethanol and France, which produces eighty percent of the electricity from nuclear power.

Hence, I want to witness the United States breaking away from oil and switch to renewable energy like solar, wind and nuclear. This is one of the main reasons as to why it is important for a president to accept science for this provides possible answers to many of the problems we have in present time. With the help of science, the entire American country would be able to achieve alternatives other than fuel consumption and could help in the fight against global warming.

Nonetheless, the next president should provide more funds to research and development of alternative energy.

            In the end, I agree with a lot of thoughts written from the L.A Times article about the next ideal president. However, I mainly support the notion about the need for a president who have a great interest to science and environment. This is because I feel that America is no longer on the top position in scientific exploration and discoveries. More significantly, it is fair enough to say that the issue on such alternative energy is important in aid of addressing the threat of global warming. Nevertheless, it is evident that such characteristics of a new president for the United would definitely guide the rest of the country towards success.

            Such platforms that utilize the scientific potential of the advancements provided today would clearly help the country and the next administration. This is to be made evident especially with the national and state budgets where it should remain to be on the top of the lists. This bears with the trickle-down-effect where the society would surely have their own share when it comes to the positive effects that are brought about by the exploitation and research made to such field.

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