The century’s repeated crises surrounding illegal drug addiction have been, as always when addiction is at issue, an ongoing cycle of profit and damage in which narcopolitics has gone decisively global, on the one hand, and has become an affair of representations and words, on the other. The drug itself, as object of desire, is at once utterly coercive and nugatory: it’s junk, the broken residue of useful technology, the leavings of instrumental reason; as an object it no longer makes sense and belongs in a junkyard (Brodie & Redfield 2002).

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Drug is the ideal product. It sells itself; and in doing so it reverses the official relation between consumer and product, to reveal a hallucination that is in fact the truth of consumer capitalism. The consumer is not sold the product but is rather sold to the product. As everyone knows the enlightened magic of advertising consists in making people desire things for no better reason than that they are being advertised. The object has become purely and simply the need for the object. In one sense, it is no longer properly an object at all.

This non object is just as far from being a screen onto which a subject projects its desire. The subject of desire has been produced by the product, even though the product is nothing more than a placeholder for desire. Drugs was a powerful model of addiction, one that cannot be understood in terms of the competition between the individual’s desires and her will, one that in fact helped to create an identity that cannot be understood in terms of the subject-centered discourse of the market at all.

Indeed, according to a common description of inebriety, drugs once ingested, does not evoke a monstrous desire in the user so much as replace the individual agent with its own monstrous agency (Levinson 2002). The proposed paper aims to understand drug addiction in young people. Aims and objectives 1. Understand the concept of addiction. 2. Analyze the reasons for drug addiction in the general population. 3. Determine the causes of drug addiction of the young people. 4. Analyze the solution to the drug addiction problem. 5. Literature review

The modernist perspective holds that youth substance use and abuse revolves around control and denial: Youth must be protected against the use of alcohol and drugs until they reach a magical legal age as determined by the state, where they supposedly will have adequate judgment to practice restraint and self-control. Illicit substances, especially drugs, are believed to be a homogeneous group of dangerous and addictive materials that, once tried, destroy young people’s consciousness and their capacity to act rationally (Fellmeth 2002).

Postmodernism, takes a wholly different tack. In this analysis, drug-taking occurs under a range of circumstances, and reflects the more fluid sense of self as pleasure seeker and social experimenter, and of society as inherently fragmented, lacking unitary knowledge or purpose. Instead of the modernist forms of control over youth especially denial of their feelings and experiences; the postmodern perspective points to the ubiquity of addictions over the course of life.

Addictions characterize one’s ordinary existence: drinking, overuse of medically prescribed drugs, using/abusing illegal drugs, pleasure seeking, sex, working, shopping, gambling, popular music, and a host of other pursuits that offer freedom from the burden of daily living and an escape from ordinary awareness. In the postmodern calculus, drug usage can neither be controlled nor denied. No war can abolish the chronic demand, because young people are using drugs in pursuit of identity and as a mode of peer bonding, and in similar ways as adults: to create meanings, relieve boredom, provide satisfaction, ease stresses.

And it is becoming increasingly difficult to deny that, faced with poverty, false promises, lack of opportunity, powerlessness, and meaninglessness, many young people will be attracted to drugs in their search for fulfillment and wholeness, however illusionary and futile the endeavor (Davis 1999). Methodology Sample collection To determine the number of respondents that will be asked to participate and give information regarding the study convenience sampling will be used. Convenience sampling means to collect or interview individuals who actually experience the phenomenon.

Convenience sampling will focus on individuals that experienced diabetes mellitus or has someone in the family that experienced such disease. Methodology/Data Collection Primary and secondary sources of data would be used for the study. Surveys will the primary method of data collection. Internet surveys would be the primary source of data. Internet surveys have been both hyped for their capabilities and criticized for the security issues it brings. Internet surveys would also require less time for the researchers and the respondents. Secondary source of data would involve the use of books and journals. Data Analysis

In analyzing the collected data, the paper will be divided into the demographic profiles of the respondents and the ideas of respondents. The data that will be acquired will be put into graphs and tables.

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