Before Judea became a client state of the Romans in 63 BC.Thepeople of Judea had good relations with Rome. However, after it wasannexed into the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. The Romansruled the Jews. There was often a tense relationship between them.There were two Jewish revolts against the Romans: the FirstRoman-Jewish War (66-73) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-135). Theserebellions cost the lives of many Jews. The 66 AD rebellion causedthe Temple in Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Romans. Thus thestrong animosity that permeated most of the relationship betweenancient Rome and Judea. was also the Kitos War (115-117) which wasa rebellion of Jews who lived in the Roman province of Cyrenaica,in eastern Libya.

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Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, the two sons of the Jewish King Yannai(Johanan Hyrcanus, 1st century BCE), got the Romans involved inJudea when they asked the Romans to settle a dispute. At first theRomans were cordial; and they actually became party to a militarytreaty with Judea (Talmud, Avodah Zara 9a). A couple of decadeslater, however, they unilaterally abrogated the treaty, and placedRoman governors over the land who afflicted the Jews with crushingtaxation (Talmud, Yoma 9a). In the first two centuries CE, thingsgot worse, with the Romans destroying the Second Temple andtemporarily outlawing Torah-observances, and the Jews attempting torevolt. The Romans destroyed large numbers of Jewish communities inthe Holy Land, and they killed some of the leading Jewish sages.
(During those times that the Romans didn’t interfere with theinternal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wantedto receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of theircolonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that theRomans were really concerned about.)

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