The Paleolithic Age was also known as the “Old Stone Age”. It began when primitive tools were being used by those in East Africa and ended when those in the Near East began farming. This age consisted of hunters, good gatherers, and families forming bands of 30 people and living in caves. During this time man learned how to plan, organize, cooperate, trust, share, or otherwise die. The Paleolithic people had domesticated fire about 500,000 years ago. They created mythic religious ideas to explain birth, sickness, death, the sun, the moon, rain, wind, thunder and lightening.
The Neolithic Age was also known as the “New Stone Age”. It began in the Near East when people discovered farming. They also improved on domesticating animals, established villages, polished tools, made pottery, and wove cloth. Villages contained 200 – 300 people. There also emerged the awareness of private property. During this time was the invention of the potter’s wheel, the wheel, the sail, the ox yoke, and plow. Also, the discovery for uses of copper and bronze.

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