These economies were essentially agro-pastoral in nature and the agricultural elements included cereals (wheat and barley), pulses, oilseeds, cotton and numerous other plant products. The pastoral elements were both sedentary and nomadic and were made up mainly of cattle (Bos indicus) and sheep & goat. The urban centres such as Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Rakhigarhi, Kalibangan, Ganveriwala and Dholavirawere centres of craft specialisations such as copper mettalurgy, bead manufacture, faience manufacture, (most probably) cloth making, and the creation of various speciality and prestige goods whose manufactue was not viable at smaller rual centres.

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There was aso a considerable amount of internal and external trade in the Harappan zone as well as with their neighbours in the Persian Gulf and in Mesopotamia.

There was no specific currency and the medium of exchange was AA highly sophisticated barter system.

Dr. Kurush F. Dalal

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