Answer 1
Iraq has nothing to do with any Arabic words. It comes from the Pahlavi (middle Iranian language) Arak, which means “lowland”.

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Iraq has been ruled by people from what is now Iran including non-Indo-European Kasistes, Gutians and Lullubi and Indo-European Medes, Achaemenid Persians, Scythian Parthians and Sassanid Persians.

Iranian loan words and speech are everywhere in Iraq, including the capital Baghdad which comes from Avestan “Baga Dad” or “gift from God.”

Answer 2

The ancient city of uruk was also called erech. u’r?k) or Erech (e’rek). If you follow the pronounciation of the word, (e’rek) the phonetics are similar (‘Iraq). It appears the nation is named after the ancient city of erech or uruk.

Answer 3
Al-Iraq literally means “the land between [the two] rivers” in Arabic. The name comes as a result of the Arabic translation of the region’s former Greek Name “Mesopotamia” which means exactly the same thing. The name Al-Iraq (in the Arabic) to refer to the territory first became commonly used in the 7th Century.

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