The simple answer to this excellent question is: “to regulate the Nile River”. From time to time the Nile River had three kingdoms along its banks. Generally these kingdoms are described by modern ‘Egyptologists’ as Upper, Middle and Lower ‘Egypt’. The Sudan ( from “The Sut-en-bat” or “South and North”), Nubia, and modern Ethiopia, although its lands being further north than today, were other names used for the various regions along the Nile River. As today, ancient communities drew water out of the River Nile, fished its water-ways, and spilt waste into the river. All these actions affected people downstream in various ways. Sometimes there were water shortages caused by too much offtake by humans (aside from the effects of the snow in the mountains of Africa which also fed the Nile).

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One government tended to manage these waterways better than several governments. Even today, the governments along the Nile meet regularly to discuss water use policy along its banks.

Ancient kings (and Queen Hatshepsut) of Egypt-Ethiopia (Hebrew Mizraim-Cush) sometimes adopted the title “Lord of the Suit” which seemed to have been a title relating to ruling the waterways. More often than not, multiple governments controlled the Nile. When trouble occurred or when that ‘multilateral’ system broke down, Egypt would conquer Nubia. However, the reverse also sometimes applied and Nubia-Ethiopia would conquer Egypt.

The 18th dynasty was a unique (*) occasion when Nubia, Egypt and Sudan were ruled by one authority handling ‘supra-national’ issues and lower authorities (‘minor kings’) handling local rules and customs relating to the Nile river within the supra-national framework. The 18th dynasty, incorrectly placed in the 15th century BC was actually contemporary with the Israel of Kings Saul, David and Solomon (and later ‘Judean’ kings). The Egyptians had been liberated from the Hyksos-Amalekites by Kings David and Saul (probably with Ethiopian assistance). In the ensuing era of peace, Solomon (= ‘peace’) of Israel, Hatshepsut-Sheba of Egypt and Ethiopia, and Hiram of Tyre, oversaw a great period of prosperity and development. For ancient Egypt this meant wise government over the River Nile among many other benefits but that was in the tenth century BC not the 15th! Modern historians, archaeologists and Egyptologists have distorted the dates of ancient history by up to 600 years so that this situation (recorded in the Bible) has been written out of the official ‘modern history’.

Thus we can more effectively explain why Egypt conquered Nubia and relate that to modern circumstances. The reconstructed history we are developing along the lines of the original thesis of Dr Velikovsky is emerging as a much more sensible analysis of the ancient times in the Middle East. Hopefully, this reconstruction; not a perfect reconstruction by any means; will enable participants in today’s modern Middle East to put aside ancient animosities because of the better understanding we now have of the actual issues – not imagined ones.

(*) The 5th, 11th and 12th dynasties may also have had this status making it no longer “unique” but still relatively relatively ‘exclusive’ status

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