They had smaller, and faster Greek ships. (Came right from my social studies textbook hope i could help :))

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Another version: (book answers are not always accurate, and not nearly as interesting as the real facts).

1. They split the Persian fleet by a strategem – they induced the Egyptian contingent to go around the western strait to stop a fake Greek retreat that way, and so were not available for the battle.

2. They remained inside the strait of Salamis. The Persian fleet was outside in the open sea all night at the oars waiting to fight and was very tired by the time they entered to give battle.

3. The Persian fleet had to split in two narrow columns to get through the straits on either side of the island of Psytakkia to get in at the Greek fleet.

4. The Greeks were able to attack the Persian ships piecemeal as they entered the straits.

5. While the Persian ships were bigger, the Greek ships were more manoeuverable in the narrow waters of the strait.

6. Their spirit was more in it. The Persian fleet comprised Egyptians, Phoenicians and Asian-Greeks under orders, while the Greek cities were fighting to protect their home cities.

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