Hatshepsut’slegacy is also extant in the enduring architectural innovations sheincorporated into her building program. The design ofDjeser-Djeseru is a prime example; although there exist a fewdoubtful precursors of the terraced template originality of thedesign cannot be gainsaid.’ The thematic structure of the threeterraces, from her role as pharaoh, to legitimization of her ruleand achievements, to the worship of the deities is indisputably herown invention, as were the ramps linking them, imitating the gloryof a sun’s ray. Thutmose III modeled his mortuary temple onHatshepsut’s whilst Akhenaten incorporated the design of the rampsinto his own buildings. Similarly, the design of Hatshepsut’s tomb,with the three successive passageways leading to the burialchamber, her royal sarcophagus, her resting stations for Amun’sbarque were likewise replicated by her successors. Therefore,Hatshepsut’s reign was characterized by a myriad of architecturalinnovations that became her legacy, to be admiringly integratedinto the buildings of the future generations of pharaohs.

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