=Starting fires for keeping warm, scaring dangerous animals away and cooking tough food like meat. Also smoking fires were used to help tan animal skins to make them water proof and pliable.
=Building shelters with plant and tree materials; building shelters with animals skins or woven material; and finding shelters to stay in such as caves and under ledges. Some cliffs could also serve as shelter so to speak depending on the direction the wind, rain and snow was coming from.
=Knowing how to trap animals using nets and funnels in streams to catch fish and crustaceans; knowing how to trap land animals with nets, slings, traps, cages, holes in the ground, etc; knowing how to shoot animals with spears, atlatls, bows and arrows, sling shot and stones, and other hand held weapons such as blow guns with poison darts; knowing how to move animals to a small area using fire, and then to be caught in nets; or driving animals off of cliffs.
=Pushing/moving/driving large animals such as mastadons to an ambush area to be killed (such as with a net and spears) for their meat, bones and hides.
=Befriending wolves and adopting them as members of the tribe. Wolves are excellent group hunters and helped ice age man kill food such as bison, deer, antelope, elk, moose, sheep, goats, oxen, buffalo, etc. Also the befriended wolves helped protect the tribe from attack from large dangerous animals such as saber tooth tigers, cave bears, grizzly and black bears, lions, other wild wolves, cougars, hyenas, etc. Ice age man made sure their pet wolves were well fed and protected for these reasons.
=Learning which plants can serve as medicine when tribe members are sick or injured such as: moldy grain for penicillin for infections, peppermint plant leaves and ginger root for upset stomach, cabbage leaves to sooth swelling and pain, fly larvae on wounds to help keep wounds clean, willow bark for pain relief, etc.
=Learning to build powerful and accurate weapons such as those listed above.
= Learning to steal food and supplies from other tribes when times were hard. Also, if possible, having friendly relations with the other tribes so that they all could SHARE food and supplies instead of having to steal it from each other.
=Learning how to fix some injuries such as resetting broken bones and dislocated joints; Learning how to fix wounds and prevent infections.
=Learning what foods are poisonous or upsetting to the body and should not be eaten.
=Learning how to store food for lean times, examples are storing food in cold water lakes and streams, cool underground caves, burying food in bogs and marshes. Also drying food for storage (meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, grain). Using salt from salt water to dry foods was very effective.

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This is a good start, hope this helps. Have a good day, Harriet

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