According to Assurbanipal’s lists the same kings and chiefs of the Meshwesh or their descendents remained in power who had been fighting each other in the time of Piye, such as Nekhau, son of Bakenrenef (Bocchoris), king of Sais and the prince of Thebes, possibly Mentuemhet. In order to consolidate their hold over Egypt, the Assyrians were moderate in the implementation of the occupation compared to their policies in other provinces, respecting local traditions as far as possible. They showed special interest for Egyptian experts, such as physicians, artisans and military specialists who were often deported to Assyria. The aquisition of horses was of major importance.

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After Asarhaddon’s death and Assurbanipal’s victory over his brother, Taharka tried to reconquer Lower Egypt and failed. Assurbanipal redistributed the Delta: Nekhau at Sais and Memphis, Sheshonq at Busiris and the Assyrian Sharruludari at Tanis. A plot by these kings and governors to ally themselves with Taharka and divide the country among themselves, was uncovered by the Assyrian army. The generals sacked Sais, Mendes and Tanis, captured Nekhau and Sharruludari and sent them in irons to Nineveh. Pakruru who had been one of the conspirators, escaped. At Thebes Mentuemhet, Governor of the South and Prince of Thebes, restored Thebes and continued to rule the Thebaid into the reign of Psammetic I.

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