Well, the era gets its name from the crude stone tools early humans created for hunting.

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Humans were essentially hunters and gatherers. They had developed the use of fire. But they did not live a settled existence, instead following herds of animals on their migrations which were their primary source of food.

Men were the hunters and responsible for the group’s primary food source. Women would look after children, and gather fruits and nuts they might come across while traveling. Caves were the primary source for shelter, or very crude lean-to’s. Animal skins and furs the only source for clothing.

Since this was one of longest periods in human development, many modern customs among humans are derived from our hunter-gatherer past. The custom of monogamy, and the nuclear family unit within a larger community or group developed during the Stone Age. Since the acquisition of food was crucial to survival, the custom of sharing food as a means to build social cohesion and familiarity evolved. (Which is why so many people go to restaurants for dates).

Hope all this helps,

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