Sennacherib is an Akkadian name and is spelled IdSU.EN.SES.MES.iri-ba in the Oriental Institute’s Sennacherib Prism. The (I) means that what follows is a personal name. The (d) indicates that the next sign is the name of a god. The next sign SU.EN, (or SUEN) is the name of the moon god Sin. SES.MES is the combined sign for “many brothers” which is written “a??i” in Akkadian (the ? sounds like the “ch” in the Scottish pronunciation of “Lake Loch Ness”). The last part iri-ba is the verb “to increase.” So, Sennacherib’s name in Akkadian means: “The Moon God has increased the brothers.” “Brothers” can also be a general word referring to anyone of equal station in life. So, another translation might be: “The Moon God has elevated the ones who were previously at an equal station in life.”

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