Where is our religion? Does God ‘s word non state us in Mark17 ; 20- ” Faith the size of a mustard seed can travel mountains? What are we missing? Well it is simple Lashkar-e-Taibas look at Peter ‘s state of affairs when Herod had him imprisoned, allow ‘s expression at Acts 12:5 for what was needed. It reads: “ So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was seriously praying to God for him. ” As we see in poetries 8-18 angels came to Peter in his cell and struck him and told him to do hastiness and clothe himself with his cloak and sandals and so they lead him to safety. He so wet to the house of Mary female parent of John besides known as Mark and they were astonished to see him alive, and Peter motioned to him and told him to be quiet and he described how the LORD had saved him from prison and certian decease. He told him to state James and the brothers and he went to a different topographic point. After this the following forenoon Herod had the guards executed. ”

So do we see what power Persistent and earnest supplication does? Does God ‘s word besides non state those who seriously seek him will happen him? Do we non retrieve our heavenly male parent ‘s promise? Luke 11:13 amounts it up nicely, “ If you so, though know you are evil, cognize how to give good gifts to your kids, how much more so will your male parent in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? ” We merely necessitate to inquire for the Holy Spirit and it will be given to us as promised by our Lord and Father in Eden! So how do we inquire? Prayer. One of the separating traits of the early Christians was their pattern of serious supplication. The apostles ne’er said, “ Lord learn us to prophesy ” or “ Lord learn us to take worship. ” But they did inquire, “ Lord learn us to pray. ” ( Luke 11:1 ) What do we necessitate to pray for? HOLY SPIRIT! ! ! ! Acts 1:8 says, ” But you will have power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my informants in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the terminals of the Earth ” How do we state others of Jesus? It is said merely in Mark 16:15-18: He ( Jesus ) said to them Travel into all the universe and prophesy the good intelligence to all creative activity. Whoever believes will be saved, but whoever does non believe will be condemned. And these marks will attach to those who believe: In my name they will drive out devils ; they will talk in new linguas, they will pick up serpents with their custodies and when they drink lifelessly toxicant it will non ache them at all ; they will put their custodies on the ill people and they will acquire good. ”

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Do we non wish for a resurgence that will convey people into God ‘s grace and forgiveness? Do we non desire people to be lead to Jesus and derive penitence and take the lost to Jesus so he can be found in them and they in he? As occurred in the upper room with the 120 who received the Holy Spirit which caused an eruption of psyches to be saved 3,000 souls lead to Jesus! What a brilliant thing to lay eyes on in our twenty-four hours within OUR communities! ! For this is what was commanded by our Jesus and Lord Jesus! Do we go on to be still? Or do we swear our male parent who will ne’er abandon us every bit long as we persevere in supplication and have faith that our supplications will be answered in ‘His ‘ clip and harmonizing to ‘His ‘ will?

So I ask you, What prevents you from proclaiming Jesus in all the land? Is it fear, fiscal issues, or something else? Throw your load upon the Lord and he himself will prolong you! Make non worry approximately tomorrow because it may ne’er come, populate for today and proclaim it on the streets, in peoples places, wherever your given chance, state others about HIM and trust that you will ne’er be forsaken and you will of all time waver so long as you do it for God ‘s will and non your ain!

Let ‘s bring people to Jesus! Together we can get the better of any obstruction because, ” All things are possible through God. ” Let ‘s convey back ‘serious supplication ‘ possibly giving a hebdomad ‘s worth of clip in day-to-day supplication meetings at a monthly or quarterly or even annual clip. Where we open the doors to the church and let all who wish to come and pray for God ‘s will to be done and for several people to come to cognize THEIR savior and Lord Jesus.. Let ‘s travel back in clip 2,000 year, and follow in the footfalls of Jesus and his chosen apostles and addition acknowledgment for our Jesus and his will be done as he commanded in Matt 28 ; 19! allow us inquire to be taught how to pray so we may be fruitful in God ‘s will and many will come to cognize God and his grace and be Saved! ! In Jesus Name..Amen!

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