The extremely het argument and treatment about how our existence and Earth began has been traveling on for many centuries. In the old yearss many people believed that God created the existence. They even believed that the planets and the Sun revolved around the Earth. With today ‘s engineering scientists scientist have been able to research our outer universe. In their research some scientists scientist have begun to believe that the existence was created non by a God or a godly force but by a large detonation called the Big Bang Theory.

How the Big Bang theory came to existence was from the observations of Edwin Hubble. He observed that the existence is ever spread outing. He calculated that a galaxy ‘s speed is relative to its distance. This means if galaxies are twice as far from us they move twice as fast. He besides found that the existence is spread outing in every way. With these observations Hubble concluded that it has taken every galaxy the same sum of clip to travel from a common get downing place to its current place. As galaxies kept traveling further off from each other it is called the ruddy displacement. As light ranges earth from other galaxies there is a greater distance between Earth and the galaxy, which leads to wavelengths being stretched. ( The Big Bang )

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In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were two uranologists who discovered cosmic microwave radiation. The two work forces discovered this when one twenty-four hours they were seeking to observe microwaves from outer infinite, but by chance they discovered a noise of extraterrestrial or foreign beginning. The noise came from all waies and non merely one way or location. What they heard became obvious to them what they discovered was radiation from the farthest points of the existence. By detecting these microwaves they could cipher what Edwin Hubble calculated besides. They concluded that everything in the existence came from the same point, which they say was the detonation which is referenced as the Big Bang. Everything in the universe moves off from each other at the same rate and speed. NASA has sent a orbiter and has been able to observe cosmic microwaves from the outer reaches of the universe turn outing the find of Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. ( The Big Bang ) ( Origins of the Universe )

Edwin Hubble ‘s find of happening that the existence is ever spread outing and everything is traveling off from each other at the same velocity was the base of the Big Bang Theory. Then when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic microwaves radiation is merely supported more grounds of the Theory Edwin Hubble created.

The Big Bang Theory is the beginning of our existence which means it is the theory of how our existence was created. When the existence was created one million millions of old ages ago, one million millions of old ages after the planet Earth was created. Thousands of stones were revolving the Sun and many of them started to crash into each other. The hits of stone created mass sums of energy and formed Earth. Earth took its signifier when the initial lava mass cooled and it formed the outer crust of our Earth. But with the outer crust covering all the heat and energy of the Earths nucleus, the center of the Earth is every bit hot as the Sun. ( Earth, Earth Science, Planet Earth )

Earth ‘s distance from the Sun allows the ability to absorb solar energy and create photosynthesis. When photosynthesis occurs it lets off O and this began the accretion and storage of O in the Earth ‘s ambiance. With all the physique up in the ambiance it lead to the development of what is now called the ozone bed. With the ozone bed around Earth, it blocks out all the harmful UV radiation moving ridges from the Sun. With the ozone protecting the Earth ‘s surface, multicellular beings easy became populated to the planet Earth. ( Earth, Earth Science, Planet Earth )

The detonation known as the Big Bang started the beginning of the existence, which created the existence, Earth and finally human existences. Without the great observations and computations of Edwin Hubble worlds would non cognize how the existence might hold begun. With his finds he developed the Big Bang Theory which was the beginning of the existence. Edwin besides got some back up when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered cosmic microwaves radiation, which helped support Hubble ‘s idea of everything in the universe starting at the same point.

The Big Bang theory has some grounds that might do the theory true but it is still a theory, and it can non be proven. Many people may believe that there was a Big Bang that started our existence and our Earth, but there are besides one million millions of Christians and other faiths in the universe that believe in their ain God and that he created the existence.

Christians are monotheists which means they believe in one God. Some Christians believe that the Big Bang theory is wholly false and that God their Godhead made all the planets, stars, our Earth and the people who live on the Earth. But, other Christians believe that God did make everything, but they besides believe he could hold made the universe any manner he wanted to. He could hold done it like it says in the Bible in the first two chapters of Genesis. In chapters one and two of Genesis it describes how God made light and dark and all the planets, stars, Heaven and Earth, or God could hold created everything with an detonation. But those Christians believe that God still created all the atoms in the detonation and he controlled the detonation and it was all a portion of his greater program which was to make adult male and adult female in his image.

So, many Christians believe that there was no Big Bang or detonation, but instead that everything was created by a higher force which is God. But, there are besides some Christians who see and believe some of the grounds Hubble and Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson found, but they challenge the Atheists and inquire them where did the energies and powers come from. The Christians who believe in God and the Big Bang theory say that the powers and energies in the detonation came from God and was the full program God created to do our existence, our planets, Earth and Moon.

Although there are one million millions of Christians in the universe who believe God is the Godhead of everything, there are besides many Atheists who do n’t believe in God. Atheists are people ( many of them are scientists ) who believe that everything was all started and can be explained by scientific discipline. Atheists believe that the Big Bang theory was a likely beginning of our existence.

Atheists believe that scientific discipline is the reply to everything and that scientific discipline can explicate everything. They believe that there is no higher power or God. They believe that there is no manner there is a God. Atheists believe that you have to see it to believe it. They believe in scientific discipline because scientific discipline is something they can see and they can turn out everything by scientific discipline. But still many things in scientific discipline are theories and have non been to the full proven.

When Atheists are challenged by Christians they are frequently asked where did the energies and the atoms come from? Did they merely look? Atheists come back with the antagonistic inquiry of where did the Christians Godhead God semen from? Did he merely look? That is the enigma of life and the Atheists believe that everything began with scientific discipline and everything can be explained through scientific discipline, which is why Atheists believe in the Big Bang Theory. On the other side of the statement, the Christians believe in a God and that this is a higher power that created the existence, planets, Moons, stars, and worlds who live in this monolithic existence.

“ THE BIG BANG. ” University of Michigan. Web. 11 Dec. 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .

“ Beginnings of the Universe. ” National Geographic. Web. 11 Dec. 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .

“ Earth, Earth Science, Planet Earth at ” Learn More at From Satellites to Stars, NASA Information, Astronomy, the Sun and the Planets, We Have Your Information Here. Web. 11 Dec. 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .

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