Religion has ever played a polar function in history. No motion has been greater than the Protestant motion. The Protestant religion was widespread in the 1600s and 1700s and even stretching into today ‘s clip. During the 1600s and 1700s two divergences of the Protestant religion began to originate: Puritanism and Deism. Both were derived from the same basic spiritual beliefs ; nevertheless despite this they had many differences. Even though they were both from the same base faith they had really different ways of specifying God.

The Puritans were at that place early followings of the Protestant religion. They lived by the Bible and followed God ‘s naming that was placed on their lives. Their position on God, nevertheless, was really different from what we understand in the present twenty-four hours. The Puritans saw God as this wroth God who would convey decease and devastation on all those who were non worthy. They believed that God saw all people as evildoers and pure immorality. Puritanism besides brought into consequence the construct of predestination. Predestination was the thought that from the beginning of clip God had already decided which people would travel to Hell and which would inherit the land of righteousness and articulation him in Heaven. If you were one of the people who were predestined to travel to Hell, nil you could make would alter that. Predestination taught that once it was decided where you were traveling to pass infinity, there was nil you could make to alter it. No affair how good of a life you led and no affair the good workss you did or how closely you followed the word of God you were still traveling to travel to Hell because God had already decided that you were non deserving plenty for Heaven. In the verse form “ The Day of Doom ” by Michael Wigglesworth it is described that after Christ descends on the Earth and calls everyone up he explains how everyone that is traveling to Hell deserves it, even though he predestined them to move evilly. ( Wigglesworth 4 )

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Deism is the other faith that branched off of Protestantism. Deism differs from Puritanism in several major and of import ways. The first is that unlike the Puritans, Deists saw God as an all good God who would ne’er intentionally inflict injury on his people. Another chief difference is the manner that Deist felt that God viewed people. In their thoughts God is shown as apprehension that all people are capable of good, and they are able to obtain redemption through themselves, non merely because they are predestined for Heaven or Hell. Deism came to be good known and widespread in the early 1700s when Benjamin Franklin published a booklet where he outlines his new a extremist beliefs. In 1725 19 twelvemonth old Franklin publishes a booklet that was sacredly radicle. In this piece of land he argues how that God must be an all good and all powerful God, and he argues against God seeing wholly worlds as being unworthy. In one subdivision he says “ aˆ¦every animal must be every bit esteem ‘d by the Creator ” ( Franklin 7 ) this statement merely points out his turning Deist religion and how he sees that God does n’t predetermine who is worth of Heaven and of Hell, but that their ain actions and their ain lives determine their lives after decease.

It becomes evident from Franklin ‘s Hagiographas that he strongly believes in the Deist religion. One of the chief points of Deism is that God does n’t predetermine where you will travel after decease, but that the things that you do in life, how you treat others and function God, play a portion in your ain redemption. After Franklin publishes his booklet he begins to recognize that even though he may be right, it was n’t traveling to acquire him anyplace being that radicle about it. It seems so, after recognizing this that his Hagiographas take a bend toward the importance of virtuousnesss that did non depend on the Christian philosophy. Franklin develops a list of 13 virtuousnesss which he will utilize to do himself a better individual. Franklin says “ aˆ¦I conveiv ‘d the bold and backbreaking undertaking of geting at moral flawlessness. I wish ‘d to populate without perpetrating and mistake at any clip. ” ( Franklin 12 ) This is a really deistic manner of thought. Franklin sees that worlds are capable of self-betterment. His list of 13 virtuousnesss contained: moderation, silence, order, declaration, frugalness, industry, earnestness, justness, moderateness, cleanliness, repose, celibacy, and humbleness. He believed that if he attained good wonts in making all of these things that he would go a better adult male, and hence a better Christian.

Despite their major difference, at times some thoughts of Puritanism and Deism overlap and can go rather confusing. The similarities are few, but when they do appear they are evident. One illustration of this comes from the Hagiographas of John Dane. Through his life he tells about how he struggles with sex, imbibing, partying, and suicide. Although he was a Puritan and believed that he was either predestined to travel to Heaven or Hell, he would still pray to God to assist him defy enticements. He believed that when it came to his redemption he was in good status, he felt that he should pray and read and listen to discourses. After he leaves place he encounters some jobs and at one point he does non go to church when given the option to. Later that twenty-four hours he is stung by a WASP and he saw this as penalty for losing a discourse. This is a clear illustration of the Puritan belief of God as a wroth God. However, after this happens Dane says “ I made a great promise that if God would hear me, I would reform. ” ( Dane 4 ) This supplication of forgiveness is a manner of inquiring God to forgive you of your wickednesss, and a supplication for you to go a better individual, something Puritans did non believe in. Puritans thought that people could non break themselves in God ‘s eyes.

When set side by side the ideas of Puritanism and Deism are drastically different. Although Deism and Puritanism both strive for the same thing, the manner that they believe this ultimate end is accomplished is really different. The Puritans ‘ position of God was that God was a wroth and vindictive God. God sees wholly worlds as wholly evil and they deserve to travel to Hell, because all they do is wickedness. In the Puritan religion God has a strong negative position of worlds, they are full of wickedness ; but in the beginning God selects a privileged few people who are destined to travel to Heaven and everyone else is destined to travel to Hell. If you knew what piece of land you were on there was nil you can make to alter it. For illustration, if you knew you were predestined to travel to Hell so no affair what you do, no affair how much you pray or unrecorded life as a good individual, you are still traveling to travel to Hell. On the other manus, Deism offers a wholly different set of thoughts. The Deists position God as an all good God. God has a strong positive position of worlds ; he sees them as being capable of good no affair how bad of a individual they are to get down with. This directs back to Franklin ‘s thought of self-betterment, his list of virtuousnesss were made so that he could go a better individual. He prayed for God ‘s wisdom to assist him non to divert from the right things that he needed to be making. ( Franklin 14 )

Early faith played a polar function in history. The differences in Puritanism and Deism may hold separated those who followed them, but despite the differences they all provided one thing to the people of the clip, a given path to follow in their religious lives. Puritians and Deist both followed God, they were Christians even though they had different positions of God and thought of him in two well different ways, he was still their God whom they prayed to and gave thanks to. There were occasions where the similarities between them became evident, and there were other times when the extremist differences became really evident. No affair the differences and the similarities, both faiths shaped the people of their clip merely as faith and our positions of God continue to determine our civilization today.

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