The Apostle Paul was articulated and committed to his call. His Hagiographas contributed in the formation of the early Christian coevalss and obviously set forth the foundation of the Christian religion. Paul the Apostle skillfully presented the true nature of the Gospel clearly and squarely in his letters to the trusters in both Rome and Galatia.

Although both letters differed in intent, scenes, and other critical statistics, the receivers of this letters in both metropoliss encountered similar fortunes in visible radiation of religion and jurisprudence. The church in Rome was largely Judaic dominated but besides contained a great figure of Gentiles. There were many barriers that separated the trusters in Rome but Paul did non responded to the tenseness like that of the Galatians but he instead wrote Romans as an organized pact that gave clear practical guidelines for the trusters and carefully presented religion at its nucleus to exemplify what to believe and how trusters are to act.

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Unlike the church in Rome, the church in Galatia was founded by the Apostle himself during his first missional journey. The church was attacked by false Prophetss who taught that the Gentile trusters must obey the Judaic jurisprudence in order to be saved. Paul wrote Galatians to support the authorization of the Gospel and his apostleship. The battle between the Gospel and legalism is still relevant issue, and in that affair I will discourse Paul ‘s ethical instructions in both Galatians and Romans in context of the first century Roman church and how his instructions applies to modern church life our cultural context.

Romans and Galatians

The Apostle Paul ‘s greatest concern was on corporate integrity and obeisance in the church. Both Romans and Galatians epistles contain doctrinal weight between the jurisprudence and religion. Paul clearly taught that obeisance to the Torahs is non portion and package of the Gospel of redemption offered to all people through religion in Jesus Christ. The epistles shared strong positions on issues concern rebellion and difference in the church. Galatians was written to guarantee the Gentile trusters in Galatia that they do non hold to obey certain ceremonial and civic Torahs to go physically Jews in order to be saved.

Romans, nevertheless is written to guarantee trusters from a multicultural background in Rome that what of all time their cultural background may be they besides inherit the approvals that comes through Jesus.[ 1 ]

The church in south Galatia a Roman state was founded by the Apostle Paul during his first missional journey. There was an upraising that tore the early church apart, the upraise was lead by an utmost Judaic group within the church they taught the new Gentile trusters to subject to Jewish Torahs in add-on to what Paul taught them. The Apostle confronted the instructors ( Judaizers ) to turn out them faithlessly in order to win back the trusters to the true Gospel. Paul taught that redemption is by God ‘s grace through religion in Jesus Christ non in the Mosaic Law and encouraged the Galatians trusters to accommodate a new behavior to show their individuality in Christ.

Base on ( Gal 5:19-23 ) Paul instructed the trusters to act harmonizing to their call to freedom and to function one another in love and non to return to slavery under the jurisprudence. He warned the Gentiles trusters that the flesh is opposed to the freedom in Christ and identified bondage with the jurisprudence and the flesh.

Paul argued that populating under the counsel of the spirit consequence in the fruit of the spirit and it is found in love which frees the desire of the flesh.[ 2 ]

The Apostle did non alter his idea about the significance of justification in the Romans epistle but he turned to cover with different issue in the Church. He argued that God in His intent is covering with world both Jews and gentiles with the church in Rome in head. Justification as God ‘s manner of covering with the cosmopolitan wickedness through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the redemption in Christ is meant for both Jews and Gentiles in order to carry through the promises made to Abraham.

The rightful heritage of Abraham posed a bigger dainty among the first century Roman church which revolved both Hellenistic Jews and Gentiles.[ 3 ]The Apostle Paul in Romans epistle dealt with physical posterities of Abraham and the picks they have made between the jurisprudence and Christ. He ethically instructs the Romans trusters on how to populate their lives in the new compact by encouraged them to perpetrate their day-to-day life in religious subject ( Rom 12:1-2 ) .

Paul wrote to the church he did non found or visited but because he actively work to support God ‘s righteousness he instruct the trusters to walk harmonizing to the spirit. He challenged them to regenerate their heads and non to conform to the philosophies of this universe. He taught Christian trusters in Rome how to populate as a faithful community with love as the norm for societal relationship and learn them to rehearse the instructions they have received in and around their communities.[ 4 ]

The first century Roman Church

The church in Rome became one of the major Centres in the first century Christian universe. It is rather interesting to observe that both churches in Galatia and Rome faced similar instances in the same imperium but different fortunes. Mach is non known about the foundation and the historical scene of the early Roman church. There were a big figure of Christian communities existed in Rome before Paul wrote the Romans epistle. In A.D. 64 during the reign of Emperor Nero most Christians were accused and persecuted of firing the metropolis. There is no grounds that the church was founded by the converts on the twenty-four hours of Pentecost ( Acts 2:10 ) who returned to Rome but it is known at that clip the church was made up of Jews and Gentiles.

Paul expressed how he long to see them ( Rom 15:23-24 ) , and in the prologue to Romans he addressed them all as saints who are loved by God. It is good argued that most Jew trusters in the Roman church began their family in the temple, moreover the massage of the Gospel was more familiar to them because of their apprehension of the jurisprudence than their Gentile opposite number who besides in one manner or the other must understanding the beginning of their religion. Paul dealt with the major issues that separated the Jews and the non-Jews Christians ; his chief concern was to convey peace among the Christian trusters.[ 5 ]

Although the Apostle Paul was non conceded as a methodical theologian most of the first century Roman church ‘s ethical rules were base on his instruction in both Romans and Galatians epistles. The church at that period preserved Paul ‘s instructions that redemption dosage non came by obeisance to human regulations and ordinance but through religion in Jesus Christ. The ethical instructions were necessary to the church organic structure both Jews and Gentiles and for the fulfillment of God ‘s fidelity to His promises. Because of the ethical instructions the church was able to cover with the growing of the trusters in God ‘s power and enabled them to obey and became more like Christ through the power of the sanctum spirit that strengthen them to demo love, joy, and peace to one another.[ 6 ]

The application to modern church in my cultural context

The thought of redemption by religion in Jesus Christ is a Pauline construct. Both Romans and Galatians epistles Teachs Christ as the lone means to salvage world from wickedness. The construct can be seen in a wider context throughout the New Testament as a whole. Paul ‘s statement ( Gal 2:16 ) addressed to the Galatians trusters implies to all trusters in all coevalss. As it is written in the Roman epistle the philosophy of redemption through religion is the basic foundation of the church throughout history. Paul ‘s ethical instructions were enlightened during the Protestant epoch in the 16 century. This transmutation changed the philosophies of the church and imposed Mach better influence in our churches today.[ 7 ]

Paul ‘s accents on love as a commandment have inspired the church for a long clip. He instructed the Roman church as he is teaching the church today that trusters should non conform to the formats of this universe but to transformed by the renewing of the head that all trusters will see the intent of God in sanctity and perfect ( Roman 12:2 ) . Like the Galatians ‘ church he is promoting all trusters of today to understand the significance of their freedom in Christ and how to use this freedom responsibly ( Gal 5:13 ) .

Paul ‘s instructions in both epistles hold a multicultural virtuousness which can be seen as his theological vision and philosophy in the involvement of single redemption. His thoughts of constructing communities of religion are achieved in the current autochthonal churches around the Earth. The Pauline virtuousness rule in both Roman and Galatians epistles is good recognised and has contributed in a important function in subject of our churches today.

The churches in Africa has experience a great growing likely the fastest than any continent in the universe with magnetic and Pentecostal motion drinking the list as comparison to early 19 century when the Catholic and Protestant churches were the top of the list. The church is and will ever stay a incorporate organic structure in Christ even though there are doctrinal differences in the transmutation of the church organic structure. The Protestant massage of the Gospel that was foremost proclaimed in the Ghanese civilization placed a major influence in the Pentecostal and the magnetic churches that has groomed up in most of our civilizations today.[ 8 ]Paul ‘s ethical instructions can be seen practised in about every church in the Ghanese civilization. It is the changeless subjects that strengthen the Christian trusters in that portion of the universe to populate and work diligently in love towards one another in order to carry through the intent of our call in the Godhead Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit ; this is taught in all autochthonal linguistic communications. Pentecostalism express the fast turning subdivision of Christianity in Ghana, the virtuousness subject within these churches like that of the Roman church has transformed the heights of people within the faith communities and such communities are good known in the contributing of the socio-economic development of the state.[ 9 ]


Paul ‘s ethical instructions in Galatians and Romans epistles teach Christians of all ages how to populate their life in the Godhead Jesus Christ. He caution trusters about the desire of the flesh and how to extinguish this evil acts through the counsel of the Holy Spirit. He ordered Christians to bear the fruit of the spirit. Believers ‘ demands to turn away from iniquitous life style they should larn how to love others and be gentile towards one another, love should be express in the whole community. Paul ‘s virtuousness parts to the first century Roman church is remembered as the pillar of the church today, his instructions to the church is recognized in a cosmopolitan context. The apostle ‘s chief concern is to assist the growing of the all trusters in God ‘s power to enable them to obey and became more like Christ.

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