Belonging is the impression of credence among a group which have a shared individuality or shared experiences. The key to belonging is the apprehension of another’s involvements. thoughts. values and ethical motives. Without understanding. belonging ceases to be and disaffection. rejection and non belonging is felt.

Peter Skrzynecki’s poems from his Immigrant Chronicle reflect a sense of belonging through many contexts such as household. school. and besides belonging to Australia. A sense of belonging is besides present in Gabor Csupo’s movie. ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ . which deals with a sense of disaffection and rejection of two childs. Jess and Leslie. who are societal castawaies at school and experience as if they don’t fit in with their households.

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Kevin Rudd’s “Sorry” address besides deals with facets of belonging. because the Aboriginal people in Australia experienced mistreatment because of their race. and because of the assimilation policy. their kids were taken off from them and sent to populate with white households to absorb into a white society. go forthing their Aboriginal civilization behind and going disconnected with their households. A similar sense of belonging is present in Peter Skrzynecki’s poems ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ and ’10 Mary Street’ in the context of households and loss of civilization.

The ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ explores the relationship formed between Jess and Leslie because of the apprehension that they both have for each other due to them both being societal castawaies at school. and experiencing as though they’re ignored at place. Csupo uses the movie technique of non-diegetic sound to make a sense of non belonging in the scene where we see Jess sitting by himself watching his sister’s battle and his parents discoursing their fiscal state of affairs.

The non-diegetic sound is effectual in demoing belonging in this scene because we see Jess sitting by himself. off from everyone else. connoting that he feels isolated within his household. and the non-diegetic sound of music adds to his sense of isolation because the vocal repeats ‘’why can’t we be friends’’ . proposing that Jess wants to organize a sense of belonging with his household alternatively of him experiencing like an castaway. He wants to set up a relationship with his male parent in peculiar because he desires his attending and to do him proud of the things that Jess can carry through. peculiarly with his extraordinary endowment for pulling.

‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ and the ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ associate contextually because both Peter and Jess and Leslie feel as though they don’t belong in their place. This is because of Peter’s disjunction from his cultural heritage due to his small cognition about it and the distant relationship he has with his male parent. which is similar to Jess and Leslie. They feel as if they don’t belong because Leslie is an lone kid and her parents are authors. so they don’t have much clip for her. Jess is the lone male child in his household of five kids. and he besides has a distant relationship with his male parent.

Skrzynecki’s verse form ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ explores the relationship between the poet and his male parent and the contrast in each of their ain sense of belonging ; Feliks feels he belongs with his Polish friends and in his garden. whereas Peter feels he doesn’t belong because of the disjunction he has with his cultural heritage. The usage of first individual throughout the verse form makes the verse form feel personal for the poet by utilizing “I” and “my” . and shows the connexion that exists between Feliks and Peter as male parent and boy. this is apparent in the first line of stanza 1. “My soft father” .

This line shows Peter’s fondness for his male parent and experience some sense of belonging. although subsequently in the verse form in stanza 7 the poet says he is nail downing his collapsible shelters “Further and further South of Hadrian’s Wall” . the mention to Hadrian’s Wall could symbolize the barrier that Peter faces with his Polish civilization. and besides the diminishing relationship that he has with his male parent as he grows older. hence demoing a sense of non belonging. A sense of belonging is created through the usage of exaggeration to overstate the passion that Feliks has for hid garden.

The first usage of this linguistic communication technique is in the first stanza in the last two lines. “He swept its paths/Ten times around the world” . This suggests that Feliks spent a batch of clip in his garden. and besides suggests that it is a countenance for him where he feels safe and comfy in his milieus. Hyperbole is besides used in the 2nd stanza in the 6th line. “Why his weaponries didn’t autumn off” . this line implies that Feliks has put a batch of difficult work into his garden.

This hyperbole could besides symbolize the difference in the male parent and son’s adulthood because of the manner that Peter perceives his father’s actions. because he sees that as something that he couldn’t do. ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ and the “Sorry” address nexus contextually because they both represent a sense of non belonging in the cultural context. This is shown in the verse form ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ because Peter is disconnected from his cultural heritage. which is similar to the kids of the Stolen Generation because they were taken from their households. hence ensuing in the disjunction from their Aboriginal heritage.

He uses repeat of phrases such as “We apologise” and “We say sorry” to demo the earnestness of his address. and besides to demo that the state is regretful for the past mistreatment of Aboriginals which accordingly alienated them from our society. this is supported by the line “We the parliament of Australia respectfully request that this apology be received in the spirit in which it is offered as portion of the healing of the nation” . This line clearly suggests that the present Australian authorities is eager to travel frontward from past errors of others. and offer the Aboriginal community equal rights and equal chances that they deserve.

He besides uses repeat of the phrase “A future” to demo that he is determined to travel on from the yesteryear in which Aboriginals were treated below the belt. he demonstrates that he wishes to travel frontward and accommodate as one state. and for everyone to be treated as an equal regardless of their beginning. This phrase is so supported by the line “A hereafter where all Australians. whatever their beginnings. are genuinely equal spouses. with equal opportunities” . The usage of repeat creates a sense of belonging because the Aboriginal community is accepted into the Australian society. and they are wholly treated as an equal to everyone else.

Skrzynecki’s verse form ’10 Mary Street’ and the “Sorry” address nexus contextually because both texts trade with the issue of losing their cultural individuality from the loss of their places ; Peter and his household lost their place because it was gazetted for industry. and Aboriginal kids were taken off from their places and their households. hence losing their civilization because they were expected to absorb into white civilization. Skrzynecki’s verse form ’10 Mary Street’ explores the integrating of Peter and his household into Australian society.

Throughout the verse form it is clear that there is a strong connexion developed between them and their house. In the 2nd stanza the poet reflects on the family’s modus operandi in the afternoon of domestic jobs and horticulture. The poet uses the simile. “I’d depredation the backyard garden/Like a hungry bird” to make a sense of belonging for Peter. This technique efficaciously shows belonging because it makes mention to a bird. which symbolises freedom. hence proposing that Peter has the freedom to make as he pleases in the garden without any disapproval.

In the 5th stanza the poet reflects on when he and his household became Australian citizens 10 old ages earlier. However. a sense of non belonging is created in the last 3 lines of stanza 5. “Inheritors of a key/That’ll unfastened no house/When this one is pulled down” . These lines show that the household still doesn’t feel accepted even though they are now citizens because when their house was pulled down. they felt that they lost their cultural individuality. which they consider to hold alienated them more from Australian society because they feel as though they have to absorb into their civilization and leave theirs behind.

All four texts stand for the thought of belonging through the usage of assorted linguistic communication and movie techniques. All composers have successfully conveyed subjects such as belonging in the cultural. personal and historical context throughout their texts. Peter Skrzynecki’s verse form ‘Feliks Skrzynecki’ relates to Kevin Rudd’s “Sorry” address and Csupo’s movie ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ through the sense of non belonging due to the loss of connexion with household that is shared between Peter. Jess and the kids of the Stolen Generation.

Skrzynecki’s verse form ’10 Mary Street’ relates to the movie ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ because of the security that Peter’s house brings his household and the security that Jess feels in his fanciful land of Terabithia. ’10 Mary Street’ besides links to Kevin Rudd’s “Sorry” address because of the loss of cultural individuality that the Aboriginal community and Peter and his household felt from the loss of their land.

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