Psychological Disorder Analysis PSY/270 4/21/2013 | Psychological Disorder Analysis Marla is 42 years old Hispanic female who came to the facility complaining of trouble sleeping, feeling jumpy all the time, and experiencing an inability to concentrate. As a result of these symptoms its causing problems for her at work. She is seeking help in order to function better not only at work, but also at home. Marla symptoms are vague and fit many psychology disorders more information will have to obtain in order for diagnosis. Appendix A) Marla’s symptoms match with ADHD, Major depression, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Anxiety, and Bipolar disorder in a manic period. All though these will have to be ruled out one by one upon my first impression ADHD, or Posttraumatic stress disorder is most likely the diagnosis. More information will be obtain on Marla and a diagnosis will be confirmed with possible cause for the disorder. Once a diagnosis can be confirmed a treatment plan will be in place to help Marla to function at work and home as well. mhhe. com) A clinical interview was done on Marla in order to get more information on background and what is happing currently in her life. Clinical Interview Question: 1. What is the reason that brought you in today? 2. When you think back about your childhood what do you remember the most? 3. What is your relationship like with your parents now? 4. How would you describe what you are feeling? 5. Who do you feel the closest to? Why? 6. What activities do you like to engage in? 7.

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How is your relationship with your friends and family? 8. How do you see yourself now? 9. Where do you see your life in 5 years? 10. What would you like to get out of our sessions? During the interview with Marla noticing her body langue, how she answered the question along with her tone suggest ruling out multiple disorders. Major depression is not a factor do to no feeling of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration. Bipolar disorder is ruled our because symptoms are coincident and does not consist with mood swings.

Posttraumatic stress disorder can be ruled out based on Marla’s answers from the clinical interview there are no signs of a traumatic event. (mhhe. com)(Comer, 2011) Marla has stated that symptoms have presented since childhood suggest more closely as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. According to the clinical interview and the DSM-IV Marla diagnosis is 314. 01 Attention Deficit Disorder. Summarizing what attention deficit disorder is usually diagnosed as a adolescent, but if missed symptoms will continue in adult hood.

These symptoms include difficulty pay attention, easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli, difficulty finishing work tasks that require concentration, disorganized work habits, fidgeting, squirming when seated, getting up frequently to walk around and always on the go. If these symptoms are not managed they can cause, associated behavioral, emotional, social vocational, and academic issues. In Marla’s case she will be monitored appropriately for these issues. These type of behaviors can vary from mild to severe with the situation.

This is not an adult on set disorder symptoms must start in childhood which has occurred in the case with Marla. Genetics has a strong component with this disorder and there is usually a family history connection. Children who have ADHD it is estimated that 60% of them will carry these symptoms to adulthood. However even with these estimates few adults will be identified or treated for this disorder. ( Comer, 2011) Potential cause of Attention Deficit Disorder for Marla could be abnormal functions of neurotransmitter dopamine, along with abnormalities in the frontal-striatal of the brain.

This is still unfounded in with Marla no test has been preformed. Symptoms could have been more prevalent now as an adult as a result of more stress at work. This disorder ruins in families so genetics can play a role in Marla case. (Comer, 2011) Possible treatment for Marla medication which studies have shown that adults with ADHD who take the medication have significant improvement with their symptoms. Some medication that could be used are Adderall XR, Concerta, Focalin XR, Quillivant XR, and Vyvanse. (Lippincott, Wilkins, 2012) Along with medication Therapy will be done.

Individual cognitive and behavior therapy to improve Marla’s self-esteem. Relaxation training with stress management to reduce anxiety and stress for at home and work. Set goals and strategies for home and work activities. Training and mentoring in order to improve job performance. Getting Marla’s family involved with education and therapy to better understand how they can support her during this time. (Comer, 2011)(mhhe. com) Take Medication as Directed: Be sure to take your medication exactly as prescribed on a daily basis. If you miss a dose do not take two doses to catch up.

If you notice side effects with medication talk to the doctor as soon as possible. Organize Yourself: Try and get in a routine by making a list on daily tasked that must be done. Then do your best to complete those tasks. Minimize Distractions: Try and find ways to reduce the distractions at work and home. If you find yourself being distracted and are able to remove yourself from the area do so or ask others to help reduce the distraction. Find Constructive Outlets for your Excessive Energy: Finding a healthy hobby can help or even something that you use to do in the past.

Ask for Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. In Conclusion of this Disorder- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is a mental disorder and is usually talked about as a child and as an adult can go misdiagnosed. Although in most cases when it is diagnosed as a child symptoms can preset as an adult. The good thing is that people who had ADHD as a child and entered adult hood have learned better and healthier ways of not only controlling themselves with distractions, concentrations, and even sleeping.

The down side is that being an adult with this can cause outsides to portray them in a negative way by not understanding this disorder. Even though I cannot say it is everyone’s responsibility to educate themselves before portraying people in a negative way I can say before you judge someone take a look at yourself. References Comer, R. J. (2011). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (6th ed. ). New York, NY: Worth. Lippincott Williams ;amp; Wilkins (May 18, 2012). Nursing 2013 Drug Guide Book. Wolters Kluwer Health. http://www. mhhe. com (2013) Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive. from UOP College, PSY/270-Abnormal Psychology

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