Anatomy and physiology Horner’s syndrome is a rare condition that targets the nerves in one’s eyes and face. Horner’s syndrome is caused by any type of interruption in a pack of nerves that begin in a part of one’s brain that is called the hypothalamus and it travels to one’s face to their eyes. Horner’s syndrome’s symptoms include, drooping eyelips, and small constricted pupil. In an eye examine one’s eye may have changed in the way one’s pupil opens and closes or they may even have red eye. In order to make sure one has Honer’s symdrome would be to take blood tests and a MRI scan may be in order.

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There is no treatment for Horner’s syndrome as of yet. First off, the causes of Horner’s syndrome are either so common it is unnoticeable at first, or very noticeable. One cause of Horner’s syndrome would be for one to receive a major injury to the main arteries of the brain. Another way for one to develop Horner syndrome would be to receive it from getting headaches or clustered headaches. A third way to receive Horner’s syndrome would be to have a tumor on the top of one’s lungs. A fourth way to receive Horner’s syndrome would be to get an injury in one’s neck.

Secondly, the symptoms of horner’s syndrome or fairly obvious. One symptom is the decreasing in sweating on the particular side of one’s face that Horner’s syndrome is located. A second symptom of honer’s syndrome woule be the drooping of one’s eyelids, with is also called ptosis. A third symptom would be one’s eye ball sinking into their face. In Horner’s syndrome, there may also be the constricted pupil, which means that one’s pupil is smaller than it normally should be. Secondly, in checking for Horner’s syndrome, one may be subjected to various tests.

The most common form of testing would be blood tests. In this way the doctors can analyze data given by the blood to see if one indeed has the gene for Horner’s syndrome. Another test would most likely be a MRI to see the paitent’s brain and make sure that the syndrome is not negatively affecting the said paitent. The paitent may also receive a spinal tap in order to ensure that the patient does not have any other problems with the nerves in the head and neck. In conclusion, Horner’s syndrome affects the nerves in the face and eyes.

There are many causes, some are very obvious, other’s are not so obvious. There are many symptoms associated with Horner’s syndrome, including drooping eyes and red eye. One can have many tests performed on them, including having blood work done as well as have a MRI or a CT scan of one’s brain. They may also have a spinal tap just for extra measures. There is currently no treatment for Horner’s syndrome. Horner’s syndrome by itself is almost completely harmless, it is just the way one received Horner’s syndrome, that will bring about complications.

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