1. 1 Background information The topic of football becomes a ‘hot issue’ especially when a grand match or tournament is at the peak such as English Premier League Cup or the World Cup (once in every 4 years). During these times, many people will have their eyes glued onto these matches especially those simply interested in football or a fanatic fan. Basically, the word ‘interest’ can be defined as engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity (Dictionary. om, no year).

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Meanwhile, according to Oxford Students’ Dictionary (2011), football is a sports’ game that is played by two teams, comprise of eleven players in each team, who try to kick a sphere ball into a goal during a football a match. In the United States, soccer is the usual word for this sport as the Americans refer the word ‘football’ to American football. The player of this sport is often referred to as football player or footballer.

Generally, this sport has been played worldwide and according to an article entitled FIFA Survey: approximately 250 million footballers worldwide (2006), a survey that was conducted showed that there are more than 250 millions of footballers worldwide & this number is gradually increasing year by year. In addition, football or soccer had emerged as the world’s most popular team sport during the 20th century (Dunning, 1999). According Bobbert et. al. (2007), initially, football was dominated on and beside the football field by males.

Also, the football topic is often dominated and discussed by male rather than female. On the contrary, the female tried to avoid watching football match and they simply judged the sport as twenty-two men running across the field chasing a sphere ball, trying to kick the ball into a goal pitch. However this view had changed during these recent years. Now, female too had their interest in football with the breakthrough of organised women’s association football (Gregory, 2005) and more female have become a football supporter with more female attending football matches.

In addition, a survey entitled ‘Target Audience’, conducted by YouGov in January 2005, found 72% of all respondents (both male and female) took an interest in football in a sample of 1616 respondents aged above 16. This shows that nowadays female also have interest in football. Thus, it is essential to find out the gender that is more interested in football, the reasons and the advantages as well as disadvantages of the interest. 1. 2 Objectives To identify which gender is more interested in football

To find out the reason(s) why they are interested or not interested in football To identify the advantages and disadvantages of interest in football 1. 3 Research questions Which gender is more interested in football? What is/are the reason(s) they are interested in football? How interest in football can bring advantages ; disadvantages to students? 2. 0 METHODOLOGY The data for the study was obtained through a set of questionnaire. 2. 1 The respondents The respondents of Johor Matriculation College (JMC) were chosen for the study. 0 students (25 female and 25 male) were chosen to complete the survey. 2. 2 The instrument The relevant data for the study was obtained through a set of questionnaire.

The questionnaire was used to enquire the students’ view on the interest of football among students. 2. 3 Research procedure The first step was choosing the respondents. Once they were identified, a set of questionnaire was given to be answered. There were altogether 21 questions in the questionnaire. The analysis of data was then started after the questionnaire was collected. 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The results of the research would be first presented in non linear forms before discussing them in details. 3. 1 Interest of football among JMC students Figure 1 Based on Figure 1, more male students are interested in football than female students, as there were 14 male and 12 female respondents who indicated their interest in football. This indicates that football is popular among students, regardless of the sexes. From the figure, it can be concluded that male students are likely to be more interested in football than that of female.

Out of 26 students who are interested in football, almost 81% of them agreed to the opinion of saying that male students are more interested in football than the female. Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the fact that female also have set their eyes upon football although the remaining of 19% saying that female is more interested in football. According to Jackson (2010), in her own circle of friends, there are some of her female friends profess to be football expertise as an attempt to show their vast knowledge and interest in the sports.

Among those who are interested in football, 10 male respondents ; 2 female respondents answered that they started to be interested in football when they were about less than 10 years old. The remaining 14 respondents: 4 male ; 10 females stated that they only started to favour football when they were above 10 years old. Hence, it can be concluded that male students are more interested in football compared to the female and they started to get interested in football when they were below 10 years old. 3. Reasons for being interested/not interested in football This section is separated according to the gender, then followed by their views of being interested or not interested in football. 3. 2. 1Reasons for being interested in football Figure 2 and 3 show the distribution of the reasons for being interested in football among students. Comparing both figures, it can be seen that both genders stated that the main reason they like to watch football game is because they want to show support towards their favourite team.

Out of 14 male students, 8 of them chose the answer. As for female students, from the total of 12 that are interested in football, 7 of them also chose the same answer for that of the question. More male respondents like to watch football game as their pastime activity with 3 respondents and 1 female respondent who would be doing the same. However, none of the male respondents answered they are interested in football as to follow the trend flow, unlike female respondents where 1 respondent choose to like football just to follow with the trend.

In addition, more female respondents are interested in football game due to influence from their peers with 2 respondents but none of the male respondents choose the factor. In the context of supporting local and international football team, more female respondents support local team with 7 respondents and 4 male respondents who would be doing the same. Nevertheless, the male prefer to support international team with 10 respondents whereas only 5 female respondents supported the same team. 3. 2. 2Reasons for being not interested in Football

Referring to the figures above, both male and female respondents agreed to the reason they are not interested in football is because they think that there are other things that are more interesting than the sport itself; this was answered by 99% of the male respondents who are not interested in the sport, meanwhile their counterparts, 67% of the female respondents answered the same reason. Not only that, 1 male and 2 female respondents said that the reason they are not interested in football is because they feel that football is a sport that is full of drama and dirty play.

Toback (2011) pointed out that football is always played in unethical manner where bribery, fixed matches and many more have become a common practise in nowadays soccer. When these happen, the outcome of the games had already been decided and therefore had become the factor that contributes to students’ disinterest in football. Moreover, 2 female respondents stated that they are disinterested because they are sick with football, whereby they have lost interest towards the sport and the remaining 1 respondent did not state a specific reason on her disinterest in football. .

3 Advantages/Disadvantages of Interest in Football to Students 3. 3. 1 Advantages of Interest in Football to Students Figure 7 According to Figure 6, 6 male respondents said that by having interest in football can encourage one to involve in a healthy lifestyle. Then, another reason that followed closely is it can enhance unity among people as answered by 4 respondents. The male respondents also said that being interested in football may help in sharpening one’s thinking skills and widen their knowledge in sports; both answered by 3 respondents.

When a person is watching a football game, he does not only watch to support his favourite football team, but also observing the game; strategy, the players’ style and many more. However, this view differs for their counterparts as shown in Figure 7. The female respondents are interested in football as 7 of them think that the sport can enhance unity among people. Unlike males who usually watch games with such a strong desire to have their favourite team to win the match, females are more likely seeking friendship or create a new bond among themselves while watching the match as supported Borman ; Kudek (1987).

They further pointed out that boys are more likely to take an active and direct approach when it comes to their interest, in contrast to girls’ characteristically more tentative. Plus, when it comes to social orientations, girls are likely to seek friendships and engage in activities that are cooperative. Comparing to the male respondents, only 3 and 2 female respondents respectively said that football can help in widening the knowledge about sports and sharpen the thinking skills.

Lastly, only 1 female respondent stated that football can encourage self to involve in healthy lifestyle. 3. 3. 2 Disadvantages of Interest in Football to Students According to Figure 8 and 9, both male and female respondents mostly believed that having interest in football is such a waste of time; be it watching it live at the stadium or on TV; this was answered by 7 male and 6 female respondents. This opinion collaborates with the findings in 3. 2. 2, where both genders stated that they prefer of other things rather than football.

Another reason is that in football, provocation among fans can easily happen as being answered by 3 male and 4 female respondents. Provocation sometimes happens before, during or after football match which is usually referred to as ‘football hooliganism’. Football hooliganism is unruly and destructive behaviour—such as brawls, vandalism and intimidation—by association football club fans, as mentioned in an article entitled ‘Another Sorry Outbreak of the English Disease’ (2005). Meanwhile, 2 male and 3 female respondents said that the football crowd is too noisy that it disturbs others.

Plus, respondents of both genders that are disinterested in football are due to they feel that the football crowd is too noisy that it disturbs other people around as answered by 2 male and 3 female respondents. 4. 0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4. 1 Conclusion To conclude, the male students are more interested in football than the female. The main reason students are interested in football as chosen by both male ; female students is to show support towards their favourite team. In contrast to that, the main reason of disinterest in football for both genders is there are other things that are more interesting than football.

The advantage of being interested in football for the male respondents is it encourages one to involve in a healthy lifestyle while the female respondents indicated that football can enhance unity among people. However, it is also found that those who are not interested (both genders) consider interest in football as a disadvantage because it is a waste of time. 4. 2 Recommendations/Suggestions Future researchers may do further research on the same topic by: i. increasing the number of respondents ii. including the JMC staffs as respondents iii. including the interest between national and international team as one of the objectives

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