Disability Discrimination Act 2005 -Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination Special Education Needs and Disability Act 2001 -Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with special educational needs or disability Race Relations Act 2000- Out lines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races Human rights Act 1998 – Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their right have been affected .

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Children Act 1989- Sets out the duty of local authorities (Including schools ) To provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare D9 ) Found this information out of my folder and then researched what they are and do . D2) Inclusion in a setting mean making sure all children are given the opportunity to access all areas of curriculum . An example of this might be introducing a physical aid for pupil during P. E using thicker pencils with children who have difficulty with fine motor skills, talking about the culture and beliefs of all the children in the class- a child from another country .

It is important for teachers to try and provide opportunities for all children to participate in all the activities that they can and want to. This means designing and adapting lessons to suit the needs of individual children. Children’s individuality and differences should be celebrated. Inclusion might also mean making changes to the classroom or learning environment for a child who is considered to be gifted and talented . Inclusion is not just about the lower ability children ,but all children .

D3)The main areas are : All children should be included – They should all be included because if you leave one child out they can then become less confidence and will see themselves being different from the rest and will have low self esteem . Working partnership with parents /families – You can do this by Talking to them , sending letters, phone calls , text/email , organising events such as coffee mornings ,fun raising and school trips and school parent evenings / opening days Whole school ethos – This means that ll children should be treated fairly and all children should follow the same rules and regulations right the way through the school D4) Three societies that can support children and their families would be : NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) . The NSPCC’s local services will concentrate on seven important issues and groups of children most at risk: those who experience neglect physical abuse in high-risk families (those families with violent adults, alcohol and drug abuse and mental health issues those who experience sexual abuse children under the age of one isabled children children from certain black and minority ethnic communities looked after children The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) -Is a non-profit agency working in local communities to provide help and support to children and their families For example if you call your local CAS, you will speak to an intake worker who is specially trained to listen to your concerns and ask questions before deciding how urgent the situation is and what type of intervention is needed. If a child is in imminent danger, a social worker will respond immediately. D9) http://www. oacas. org/childwelfare/faqs. tm A local society near me that help children and families would be Blaenau Gwent family information(Citizens Advice) . They Provide sessions for members to go to if they need advice and support. D5) Whilst teaching a group of children not all of them are going to be the same . You need to identify the children who need additional support and meet their needs this could mean a numerous of things which may include children with a variety of differences such as a gifted child, a child with speech and hearing difficulty , behaviour problems and disability problems etc .

If these are identify it can cause the Childs development to fall behind D6 ) A practitioner can develop a positive relationship with parents and families by : Involve parents in classroom activities. Teachers can let families know how they can be helpful and can ask for their assistance with specific activities. Parents can participate by preparing classroom materials, serving on a committee to select classroom equipment and materials.

The more involved parents are in what goes on in the classroom, the more likely they are to understand the teacher’s goals and practices. good communication during parent/teacher conferences. When meeting with family members, create a comfortable environment in which parents feel free to share information, ask questions. Point out the projects that involved their child . Practitioners can say “hello” and ask “how are you “ as they bring the children to school and has its time to go home they can give feedback to the parents/families.

For example : We have been really pleased with him /hers work and they are making a great improvement D7) If there was a child who had partial sight in a class room to help and support that child in activities and experiences you would consider certain things like seating position, lighting, safety, reading materials, writing materials etc Another one would be if a child was in a Wheelchair you would help and support that child in activities and experiences by making sure he/she has access to all areas (make sure all pathways ,halls . loak rooms etc had clear paths) . You can make sure tables are at the right height for them to use. You should most defiantly make sure their safety is took in to consideration before doing any activity (All children should be included disabled or not nobody should be left to feel out of place or not welcomed ) D8) It is important to use the specialist aids and equipment safely as The child may feel uncomfortable is the equipment is not placed right or is not being used correctly.

By not handling the equipment safely you may cause an injury The equipment may be vital to the children. E. g. A child with a hearing aid which requires a new battery may not hear the other children talk. C1) Two example of communicating effectively with children and families would be Allowing parents to email you in case they have questions about homework or any other aspect of school – while some would prefer your cell phone number, gently ask them to email if they have any issues they need to discuss.

Be generous with your praise, but do not shy away from constructive criticismB1) I think that some parents and their children find it harder than others to participate in activities because for example if you was to take a disabled child on a day trip to a farm you would have to ensure certain things where In place for example you would have to make sure the bus had the right equipment to transport the child once there you would have to ensure that the farm had the right equipment for the child (E. ramps ,walk ways and that they can actually see the animals without difficulty ) and to make sure the can participate in activities because if this wasn’t there the child would be unable to go and feel left out . B2) It is important to have realistic expectations of child development, because their behaviour depends on their developmental stage for example you cannot expect a 2 year old to understand the dangers of running into the street and also you have to be careful you don’t knock to much confidence off the child because it make them less eager to develop skills and interactive skills .

A1) Inclusive childcare, includes every child into the mainstream schooling, Every child regardless of ability is encouraged to be involved in activities, routines and play during their time at school . It also provides an opportunity for all children to learn about respect and differences in other people Unit 9 Supporting children with additional needs Charlotte Tibbs

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