Other example, “Engineer 4” performs program design, development and analyst, 4 to 6 related experience is required, which is highly similar to Software User Interface Architect (Minimum 6 years experience in related software program ), so we benchmarck this job with “Engineer 4”. In FastCat Job Descriptions, we have note selected “Massage Therapist” which is not related to FastCat’s industry and there is no any JD fit to FastCat job. 5. 2. 1. Relevant Markets of FastCat We set update percentage at 4. 6% of survey data as they are already six months old and for ealiest convenience in projection into the future.

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For pay forms of FastCat, we emphasize on Base Pay (occupy 77%) as our top priority, and then Benefits (occupy 15%), Bonus (occupy 5%) and Merit (occupy 3%). We sustain employees’ base pay at a appropriate level but not highly increasing in Bonus and Benefits, it doesn’t mean that we overlook Short-term and Long-term incentives. Considering issue that Labour costs are rising faster than revenues, that’s a risk and we need to control budget with prudent judgement. Also, we put budget in other aspects, such as training and development, which align with our reward objective of Remaining Talents.

Therefore, we decide choosing Base Pay to compare to other companies. 5. 2. 2. Key Jobs and Market Matches After setting out of pay forms, we have chosen five comparator companies (Company 4, 14, 38, 46 and 60). Excluding companies which is unknown/negative ROA, different industries and Large size companies, we choosing these competitors based on thieir industries (they are the same as FastCat : Software, instead of hardwares, semiconductors, e. t. c. ), their company size (they are Medium size companies, except for company 46, small size), their Base Salary/Total Compensation (their index all are around at 0. 6 – 0. 89, it means that they focus on Base Pay which are good comparators and reference for FastCat. ), comparing Base can tells how competitors are valuing the work in similar jobs. For example, “Company 38” is a company for software of database management, it’s highly related to FastCat. Moreover, it’s index of Base Salary/Total Compensation sustain at 0. 89, which is the highest in five comparator companies. 5. 2. 3. Market Data Analysis We choose Base Wage (Weighted Mean) as metric. It’s weighted by no. of people in each jobs of FastCat.

In order to reflect relation ship between Base Pay and Job Evaluation, we choose this metric. 5. 2. 4. Regression Analysis We divided all jobs into eight Grades with different ranges of JE Point, Appendix 1 is Grades and Ranges level of FastCat Jobs. Appendix 2 is Regression Graph of FastCat Jobs. R-squared is 0. 872. It’s less than 1. 0, but it shows that our jobs’ salary range is highly associated with JE points. 5. 2. Policy 5. 3. 5. Established a Competitive Pay Policy Line 5. We set 2 policy lines to reflect external competitiveness policy which can affect Job Market.

Policy 1 is set at above 10% of normal market line, for example, if some jobs that is high demand from industries, salary of these jobs will be increased due to human resources competitiveness. Policy 2 is set at below 10% (hence, -10%) of normal market line, it may be useful when some jobs are low demand for industries, or salary level affected by job market environment (such as Financial Tsunami, economic downturn, e. t. c. ). The lowest Grade 1 is set at Policy 2 (-10% of normal market line), it is because jobs in Grade 1 can easily be recruited, such as office aide, its job duties is general.

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