Although abortion is convenient and inexpensive, it is very cruel and inhumane alternatives to pregnancy. What do you consider to be life? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines life as “the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body”. Does a fetus not have a heart beat? Or is the fetus dead in the womb? How can one say the fetus is not a human when clearly the heart beat begins on the 21st day after conception? (Heritage House ‘76, ©2010) The heart also starts pumping blood thru the body. If abortion can be up to 12 weeks, 84 days, then how can one justify they aren’t killing a human.

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Did you know that a baby born at 18 weeks can live outside the womb? This is called Viability. If the baby can succeed at living outside the womb at this stage, but was abortion after outside the womb, the mother could face criminal charges. What is abortion exactly? One would say just killing a baby, but it is much more. It is taking an innocent life that has done nothing wrong to deserve it. Abortion means to terminate a pregnancy, either by choice, or for medical reasons. There are two ways to terminate a pregnancy, pill or in-clinic. The “abortion pill” name is Mifepristone (Facts about Mifepristone (RU-486).

January 31, 2008). This pill is taking over a series of weeks. It works by blocking the activity of progesterone, a substance your body makes to help continue pregnancy. In-clinic abortions are aspiration and dilation and evacuation. Aspiration abortion is also known as vacuum aspiration. This one is most commonly used now days. Dilation and evacuation is another kind of in-clinic abortion. D&E are usually performed later than 16 weeks after a woman’s last period. How are abortions performed? This is something that is commonly known among women.

There are six different way to perform an abortion: Suction, D;amp;C, D;amp;E, Saline, Hysteretomy, and Prostaglandin. I will briefly explain each way to perform an abortion. 1) Suction: This is also known as vacuum aspiration. This method is most common for abortions. This procedure uses a suction tube placed through the dilated cervix to suction the placenta from the uterus. This also dismembers the body of the baby, sucking into an attached jar. The abortionist must make sure all pieces of the fetus and placenta are removed completely from the uterus or there is a risk for infection. ) D;amp;C- also known as Dilation and Curettage. The abortionist uses a loop-shaped steel knife also known as a curette, to scrape the wall of the uterus. Like the suction, there is a risk of infection if all pieces of the fetus are not removed. 3) D;amp;E- also known as Dilation and Evacuation. This method is similar to the D;amp;C but uses forceps to extract the baby from the womb due to advanced development. Many abortionists refuse to use this method because of the twisting and tear of the advanced developed baby they are taking from the womb. 4) Salt Poisoning- “Salting out” is another form of abortion.

This method is the second most used type for abortions. This method is used after sixteen weeks but injecting saline into sac of amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby. The saline burns the baby’s skin completely away from the body. 5) Hysterotomy- This method is a lot like just plain murder. They mother undergoes a C-section, and then the baby is killed by neglect or direct act. This method is only used in late pregnancies. 6) Prostaglandin Abortion- This is a chemical hormone that induces violent labor and premature birth when the hormone is injected directly into the amniotic sac.

With having an abortion, you take a chance of side effects and risks. Some include; bladder injury, bowel injury, breast cancer, and ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. There also can be effects on any future pregnancies when you have an abortion. For me these effects are not worth chancing losing my life over killing another. Yes I understand the chances of these risks are little, but they are still there and can very much become reality for you if you have an abortion. I am going to explain now a little about each risk mentioned above. 1. Bladder injury is when the uterus is perforated; your bladder can become perforated also.

Having this can cause peritonitis, which is inflamed, infected lining of you abdomen. This is very painful and can required surgery to correct it. 2. Bowel injury is caused when your uterus is perforated, the intestines can perforate also. Side effects of this are; nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, blood in stool, peritonitis or death if not treated quickly. Developing this can cause you to undergo surgery to have a portion of your intestine removed or a colostomy be put in place in the abdomen. 3. Breast cancer has increased by 50% since America legalized abortion in the 1973.

Even though not all cases of abortion lead to breast cancer, it’s just another thing you don’t want to chance as a risk. 4. Ectopic pregnancy doesn’t always happen with an abortion, it even occurs in pregnancies that aren’t being aborted, but still this is a risk you face in future pregnancies after an abortion. This kind of pregnancy is when the fetus grows outside the uterus. Statics showed that there is a 30% increase in ectopic pregnancy in women who had one abortion previously. In 1970, the incidence was 4. 8 per 1,000 lives births in the U. S.

Since legalizing abortion, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy grew to 160% in women who had more than two abortions. ( Surgical Abortions. , 1997-2010 ) There many effects on future pregnancies that every woman should know. Here is a short list; (1) You will be more likely to bleed in the first three months of future pregnancies. (2) You will be less likely to have a normal delivery in future pregnancies. (3) You will need more manual removal of placenta more often and there will be more complications with expelling the baby and its placenta. (4) Your next baby will be twice as likely to die in the first few months of life. 5) Your next baby will be three to four times as likely to die in the last months of his first year of life. (6) Your next baby may have a low birth weight. (7) Your next baby is more likely to be born prematurely with all the dangerous and costly problems that entails. (Complications. ©2006 Heritage House ‘76, Inc) In conclusion, part of me understands the reasoning behind abortions, but those reasoning’s are limited. For example, if a woman is raped, and pregnancy followed that rape, then abortion would be an option. Secondly, if incest were the cause of a pregnancy then again abortion might be an option.

Incest falls under rape and being raped, some will not be able to emotionally handle a child, and therefore an abortion could be an option. My personal feeling I have tried to leave out so it does not seem like judgment, but I would have to say, if I were put into the shoes of a victim of rape or incest, then abortion might be an option for me. I stand by my statement, abortion is cruel and inhumane way to clean up a decision you took part in, sex. My intention of this essay is to help you make a very informed decision when you are presented with abortion as an option.

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