Most recently I attended the public event known as ‘Running with Bulls’. Due to three major points I have observed about this annual occurrence and will shortly elaborate on, I would like to protest that this event must be stopped. The first negative effect of ‘Running with Bulls’ is the impact it has on the competitors and all other people near about. As proved from the latest event and tales of previous examples, other people can easily be hurt, injured or even killed because of the bulls who are allowed to rampage through anywhere they are able to go.

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Even just yesterday at the event I witnessed dozens of people being carried away on stretchers. Because of this, the Running with Bulls can actually be considered a very inconsiderate and senseless practice. In general the happening is also annoying for tourists who want to sit at the beach and just enjoy time in public areas of hotels. The same thing goes for the competitors. Anyone can get involved and compete in this run, making a serious risk for each and every competitor to get injured.

The competition is generally quite pointless as no-one won the prize. The only few people who did get some hints of success was a man or quite foolishly seized the bull by the horns, and an old man with a lasso in a rowing boat! Participants also become the laughing stock during the event as they rarely manage to find any sort of attainment increase. In general the happening is also annoying for tourists who want to sit at the beach and just enjoy time in public areas of hotels.

The second negative effect of ‘Running with Bulls’ is the impact it has on the bulls themselves. Despite posing a huge threat to all those around them, bulls are actually also quite hurt from several aspects about the event. The bulls are carried around on a severely cramped truck around town for probably long distances and will most probably be traumatised from the journey. And next, even after travelling a couple of tedious miles, they must immediately be faced with the distressing noise and hubbub happening all around.

Bulls are also constantly confused and half-unaware of what is happening around them. Like said before, they are allowed to roam around anywhere they want and face danger from going into the sea and drowning. Another thing relates to animal cruelty. Constantly being seized by beings half their size and being frequently dragged around with lassos around their horns can usually harm the bulls, not to mention be degrading as well. The last and final negative effect of ‘Running with Bulls’ is the impact it has on the town.

This town is well known for being a very ‘picture-postcard-perfect-little-town’ however having events like these continue to run will only deteriorate your reputation as a luxurious and nice little city. One of the bigger points is that it generally causes chaos, which can lead to the second major point – costs. When bulls are set off to do whatever they inside a small town, it is unlikely that no damage will be done. Because of this event, you could have to pay thousands of dollars for damage to hotel properties and the sunbeds farmers lose due to drowned bulls.

You will also be charged for cleaning up the beach afterwards, which both the bulls and competitors will probably have left in a total mess. There will also be an impact on the medical infrastructure. All in all I strongly believe that this event should be stopped immediately. Although it is said that the event is for young men to ‘show how manly they are’, it is a reckless, irresponsible and dangerous process for both people and bulls and has a huge negative impact on the town. I hope I have persuaded you, Sender

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