The causes of World War II are numerous, but can be boiled down to a few primary issues. There were immediate causes and more long term, deeply rooted causes. The Treaty of Versailles caused a lot of tension in Germany. The League of Nations was more of a puppet institution and had little success in actually shaping world policies. International laws agreed upon by many nations were ignored. This includes Japan, Manchuria, Abyssinia, and Italy under Mussolini’s rule.

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It is likely that Hitler took the instability in International affairs as an open door to set his world domination plans into full tilt. When Hitler occupied the Rhineland, a place that was off-limits to him according to the Versailles treaty, World War II may have been instigated, with this as a tipping point. Once Austria and Sudetenland were occupied by the Nazi army, there is no doubt that world war ii was instigated. The Great Depression, which affected the entire world, is also one of the causes of World War II.

The stock market crash in 1929 was like a pebble making waves from North America and across the globe to many other nations. Many countries in Europe felt the depression in a more pronounced way as they were still recovering from the aftermath of World War One. The Sino-Japanese war also resulted in advancing war internationally. Hitler made his army with the intent of taking over the world. The formal war started when Germany invaded Poland. The United States managed to stay out of the war, claiming neutrality until December of.

The war ended up being the biggest catastrophe in world history. The Soviet Union experienced the worst casualties, with over twenty three million losing their lives on Russian soil. The next largest number of casualties was suffered by China, then Germany, Poland, Japan, India, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, France, Greece and Italy, and so on. All in all there were almost six million total deaths of both civilians and soldiers in these countries as a result of the causes of World War II.

The second world war was caused by festering resentments between nations and the villainous desire of power-hungry political figures to gain control over the world’s people, resources and minds. The mistake of both WWI and WWII is the naivety of people in every nation who think that they are immune to a similar world mood occurring again. As long as people are puppets for government officials who want to control the masses with either political, social, or economic means, similar to the causes of World War II, then another world war is likely.

If, instead, people become more self sufficient, stop voting in tyrants and take charge of caring for their neighbors, guarding against racism, socialism, nationalism, and all the other ‘isms’ that keep people from feeling like members of one world family then our baser human needs will get the best of us, and we will easily be led into world conflict like World War II. Is it really worth another several million needless deaths? History need not repeat itself. It is our responsibility as individuals to keep the events of WWI and WWII from happening again. Let us learn from the causes of World War II.

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