The laws of war were developed by the Amphictyonic Councils – formed by representatives from the early Hellenic states in the Greek peninsula. The principal council was the one based on Delphi.These laws focused on protecting sacred objects and land and religious observances, and were neutral to ideas of mercy and the protection of noncombatants. There was an emphasis on mediation and arbitration to avert wars amongst the city-states and leagues, and there were sanctions against burning cities or diverting their water supplies. None of this applied to barbarian cities or peoples, who were open slather.Many of the religious cults of ancient Greece joined together in amphictyonic leagues in order to(Continued from page 1)(Continued on page 3)Page 3preserve peace by means of mediation and conciliation between the city states They protected peopleand sacred places by maintaining neutrality in time of war. They had a religious authority, but thecouncil was composed of representatives from the various cities, giving it a democratic or federaliststructure as a confederation of states. The most important amphictyonic council was Delphi whichserved the Greek peninsula. The lonians of Asia Minor were in the Delian amphictyony. The Delphiccouncil exercised judicial powers and could be used to arbitrate disagreements. Even when wars didbreak out amphictyonic law prohibited member states from cutting off water supplies and burning downcities; those who disobeyed these rules were liable to be destroyed by total war

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