The aim of this course is, firstly, to help the students to see the Greek tragedy as a genre, which has given the beginning of a whole and – to some extent – autonomous literary tradition. The original religious and cultural context is lost, but every epoch (and writer) had taken the extant texts as a ground for its (his/her) specific interpretation. So the course is concerned with the variability and oneness of the textual tradition.
Secondly, the course proposes a glance to the way some thinkers have spoken on the tragedy as a specific kind of art. In this way the students will have the chance to hear something about the most influential texts, concerned with the theory of ancient drama.
Thirdly, the authors of the course are interested in the way the works of the Greek poets are put on the stage; and, in general how every epoch (and artist) do imagine the figures of the plays. That’s why the course is concerned also with paintings, theatrical performances and films.
At last, the authors will propose lectures and materials, concerning the reception of the Greek drama in Bulgaria, Georgia and Russia. At this point the aim is to see what the influence of the Greek theatrical tradition on these national cultures is, and what are the reasons of the artists and translators to pay attention to some of the plays (and authors) and to neglect others.

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