If you believe in the evolutionary view of history, first came the age of stone tools, followed by the age of bronze tools, and then the age of iron tools. On the other hand, if you take the Bible seriously as a guide to history, then such chronology becomes highly suspect, as, if anything, the biblical story presents a picture of devolution rather than evolution following the flood and the Tower of Babel. According to the biblical perspective, the so-called great civilizations of China, the Indus River Valley, Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc. would be seen as corrupt remnants of an earlier great civilization that was destroyed by the flood and was never fully rebuilt due to the confusion of the languages at the Tower of Babel. The presumption of the greatness of the posited pre-flood civilization is based in part on the fact that Noah was able to build a ship that would have been at least 450 feet long by 75 feet wide by 45 feet high — a size that has never been rivaled in wood and was only surpassed by steel ships in the 20th century. Obviously, if a ship that size could have been built prior to the flood, then some rather sophisticated tools would have been necessary.

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