Are you going on about the firework?
If yes, you can hold a FEW. Most you can’t, though sometimes the packet says you can and it will have instructions. If it doesn’t clearly state you can hold them, then DON’T. I suggest that you practise getting used to them by setting them off while they are on the ground. THEN when you are completely at ease and you fully understand how to handle, position and light them should you try. Do it with a friend so they can phone etc if anything at all goes wrong.

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P.S. This is so important I need to repeat AGAIN. Do NOT try and hold them if the packet says you can’t, or doesn’t say anything about holding them. If you do, you have clear stupidity and, well, to be blunt, you may be seriously injured or even die.

Is that clear? I hope so.

PPS if you’re going on about something else, I’ve no idea.

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