Salamis was the crucial battle in repelling the Persian invasion,as destruction of the Persian fleet ended the threat of a Persianamphibious invasion of the Greek city-states, who kept their armiesat home to protect their cities, allowing the Persian army to pickthem off one at a time. When the Persian fleet was destroyed, itenabled the armies to concentrate the following year and defeat thePersian army at Plataea. Destruction of the Persian fleet alsostopped it being able to protect the resupply ships which sustainedthe Persian army, and as a result half of the army was sent home asit could not be sustained during the coming winter, which made theGreek armies’ task easier at Plataea.

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Plataea was a straightforward battle where Greek armoured soldiersfought the unarmoured Persian in rough country where their cavalrycould not support them and was a straightforward victory.

Thermopylae was a holding action to force a sea battle to destroythe Persian fleet. The sea battle failed and the Greek force waswithdrawn, with a touch of heroics by the Spartan and Thespiancontingents protecting the withdrawal and dying in the process.

Take your pick.

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