Scipio Africanus was the Roman general who won the Second Punic War for Rome. he undertook a second campaign in Spain (the first one was unsuccessful). He defeated the Carthaginians at the battle of Illipa in southern Spain (206 BC). Carthage lost her territories in Spain and with this the bulk of her manpower for her infantry (most Carthaginian infantrymen were Turdetani and Iberian allies from Spain) and the wealth of the Spanish silver mines. This was a big blow both to Carthage and to Hannibal, who could no longer hope for reinforcements from Spain.
After this, Scipio Africanus organised an expedition to Africa (which is where Carthage was) and Hannibal was recalled to Carthage to fight him. Scipio defeated Hannibal in the battle of Zama, which marked the final defeat of Carthage.
In Scipio Africanus, the Romans found a general who was capable of matching Hannibal’s great military genius. The battle of Ilipa was his most brilliant victory, where he demonstrated his great tactical skills. Defeating Hannibal at Zama was no mean feat either. He was the only military commander who managed to do this. He was given the tittle Africanus which means winner of Africa.

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