Hannibal, the son of Hamilcar Barca, was a leading general for Carthage in what many historians refer to as the Second Carthaginian War, and as many know it the Second Punic War.
Hannibal began his campaign against ancient Rome by attacking an ally of Rome in Spain, Saguntum in 219 BC. With a vast, fit & trained army along with 40 war elephants, Hannibal made a daring crossing of the Alps in 218 BC. He defeated a Roman army at Trasimine in 217 BC. He later gave the Roman legions one of their worst defeats at the battle of Cannae in 216 BC. He waged further campaigns in the Italian peninsula and had to depart from Italy in 203 BC to defend his capital of Carthage against Roman forces moving in Northern Africa. At the Battle of Zama, Hannibal was defeated by the Romans and their allies. Carthage had to surrender and take the terms of the peace treaty drawn up by Rome.

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