The forum was a very important part of Pompeii. Being a large open space (143 metres long and 38 metres wide), paved with stone, it was the civic centre of Pompeii, and supported buildings for business, religion, and the local government. Within it, there were statues of the emperor and his family, as well as statues of some notable citizens of Pompeii.

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Some of the buildings in the forum were offices, baths, and temples (Jupiter in the North, Apollo in the South, and Venus southwest of the Basilica). The Basilica was used as a court building, as well as a meeting place for businessmen. There was also a ‘Meeting Hall of the Cloth Merchants’.

Information was distributed in the forum in several ways. There was a tribunal, which was a speaker’s platform, where important speeches and announcements were made. There were also public bulletin boards in the forum and outside buildings. Another way that information was distributed was by people casually scribbling on walls.

The forum was basically the epicenter of business life and social life in Pompeii. It was crucial to the success of the city.

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