Those writings have a religious theme aboutthem unlike the Hammurabi code which has a set of codified laws inthe epic. A group of about two hundred formulae for securingeternal life, from which a selection is found in manuscriptswritten for elite burials from the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)to the end of the Ptolemaic Period. The same formulae are found onmany other supports, from tomb walls to single objects placed inthe tomb or religious setting, which is in the book of the dead.From The Epic of Gilgamesh, for example, we know something of thepeople who lived in the land between the Tigris and Euphratesrivers in the second and third millenniums BCE. We know theycelebrated a king named Gilgamesh; we know they believed in manygods; we know they were self-conscious of their own cultivation ofthe natural world; and we know they were literate. These things wecan fix or establish definitely. But stories also remind us ofthings we cannot fix of what it means to be human. They reflect ourwill to understand what we cannot understand, and reconcile us tomortality.

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