No, there was no ancient Roman historian named Polio.
No. The REA folks who put together their test material screwed up on the test prep question:

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LIVY : POLIO :: TURNER : (a. Limerick b. Influenza c. Prescott d. Moffit)

Giving the answer :

(C) is correct because Turner and Prescott were Old Western historians and contemporaries like the ancient Roman historians Livy and Polio. (A) is incorrect because Patricia Limerick is a contemporary historian, considered among the New Western historians. (B) is incorrect because influenza is a disease, not a historian. (D) is incorrect because Moffit is a contemporary New Jersey historian and anthropologist

The only historian contemporaneous with Livy was Cornutas that I can find. If you imagined Polybius, who was Greek, you’d be wrong, because he was not a contemporary. POLIO is completely wrong and I can’t even begin to know what they could be getting at.

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