Athens and the allies Chios, Samos and Lesbos had a fleet which the Spartan league could neither afford nor match. When the superior land forces of the Spartan league invaded Athenian territory, the Athenians stayed behind their walls which protected the city and port, and could receive food from its fleet, and use the fleet to threaten the opposing cities.

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In 406 BCE, the 25th year of the war, the Persians provided virtually unlimited funds to the Spartan alliance, enabling it to match the Athenian fleet. Lysander led this fleet against the Athenian one in the Dardenelles where it was protecting the grain supply to the city from the Black Sea. By a ruse he caught the Athenian fleet on the beach and destroyed it. He then invested Athens, which could no longer supply itself without its fleet, and it surrendered.

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