The Athenian general Alciabiades, facing the death penalty in Athens for impiety, sought refuge in Spartan for two years and actively advised them on means to defeat Athens.

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His departure from Sparta was expedited by his involment with the wife of one of the Spartan kings, reportedly fathering a child with her. Switching sides again, he then tried to pursuade the Persian satrap in Asia Minor to join with Athens against the Spartan alliance, and regain his position in Athens. After much manoeuvering the Peraians decided that the war between the Greeks was in their interest so as to weaken them and re-enable Persian control of the eastern Aegean Sea littoral. Alcibiades eventually returned to Athens and commanded the Athenian fleet for several years until removed after a minor defeat in 406 BCE.

Alcibiades then retired to his estate in Gallipoli where he was living when the Athenian fleet based itself there in 405 BCE. He noticed the incautious habits of the fleet which was facing the Peloponnesian fleet on the other side of the Dardanelles, and rode down to warn them of the risk. They ignored him, and the Peloponnesian fleet attacked when they were on shore having a meal, and captured almost all of them without a real fight. He was assassinated the following year.

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