In the latter stages of the wars, it led an anti-Persian league (Delian League).

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When peace was made it continued collecting the annual war funds from the league, by force where necessary, using them for a navy to collect the funds, and used the money to beautify Athens (Parthenon etc) and keep half its population on the public payroll.

Its strong fleed also allowed it to interfere in the affairs of cities outside the empire it had made out of the Delian League. This adventurism brought it into conflict with the other Greek states headed by Sparta – the Peloponnesian League – and resulted in the devastating Peloponnesian War, which ended in Athens being stripped of its empire and becoming a second rate power in the Greek world.
Athens converted the Delian League, which it had led against Persiain the latter stages of the war, into an empire of its own, andlived high on the proceeds mulcted from those city-states.

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