Location- Athens, Greece
37°59′ N and 23° 44′ E
Athens is the capital of Greece which is on the southernmost country of Europe. It’s located north of the Mediterranean Sea, South of Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. It has great views of the Aegean Sea and from the Mediterranean Sea. Join us in this exciting tour as we explore one of the oldest cities in the world!

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Place- Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece is one of the most fascinating places and one of the oldest cities in the world. The city with the most glorious history in the world and a city worshipped by gods and people. This place up high in the mountain, is one historical site you can’t miss. You can take a tour up there by yourself in the summer, but whatever you do, it’s better to go up there late in the day. It can get very hot up there and gasping for breath can take way from your ability to marvel at the greatest of all archaeological sites.


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