Flint. This because it is possible to achieve a very sharp edge quite easily via the procces known as knapping.

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Chert, obsidian, and other stones with conchoidal fracture habits were also used for weapons. However, the word “tool” is not synonymous with the word “weapon”, so you should include tools for grinding, sanding, hammering, etc. Stones like ironstone or feldspar are suitable for that sort of tool, and sandstone was used to soften the sharp edges so you didn’t cut your hands off when you used your tools! A vessel for storing clean water could be considered a tool, so clay would be included in the answer as well. Tools were also made from horn and antler, sometimes even bone. Knives were hafted onto wood handles and tied with sinew or strong plant fibers.

Basically, men used whatever was locally available and easily shaped, often using rocks lying about that were already naturally shaped to suit the need. If you needed to hit something in a hurry, any stone would do.

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