The Winnipeg General Strike which began on May 15 1919 was one of the biggest strikes in North America. The strike was caused by metal workers demanding better wages and better working conditions from their jobs. It led to over 30 000 labourers going on strike across the city of Winnipeg and they weren’t going to stop until the union met their needs. There were a lot of events during the strike but none were bigger than the one known as “Bloody Saturday “. It was where strikers gathered in an angry protest on Main Street where they basically caused a lot of destruction. The strike committee was responsible for the events caused on Bloody Saturday because they were given a notice by the mayor not to protest but they went ahead and protested anyways, secondly strikers gathered together and wrecked some things on main street which led to the mayor calling the police, Lastly the strikers decided to retaliate back at the police which didn’t end up well for them. The Winnipeg General Strike which began on May 15 1919 was one of the biggest strikes in North America. The strike was caused by metal workers demanding better wages and better working conditions from their jobs. It led to over 30 000 labourers going on strike across the city of Winnipeg and they weren’t going to stop until the union met their needs. There were a lot of events during the strike but none were bigger than the one known as “Bloody Saturday “. It was where strikers gathered in an angry protest on Main Street where they basically caused a lot of destruction. The strike committee was responsible for the events caused on Bloody Saturday because they were given a notice by the mayor not to protest but they went ahead and protested anyways, secondly strikers gathered together and wrecked some things on main street which led to the mayor calling the police, Lastly the strikers decided to retaliate back at the police which didn’t end up well for them. The Winnipeg General Strike which began on…

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