Roles of Women in Society
A Brief Overview
Women had a considerable amount of freedom in ancient Phoenicia considering the other empires of the time.They could divorce and get their dowry back. They could bring issues to court. They could sell and trade goods. They could adopt heirs. They could be priestesses. There are even accounts of women queens. And there is little to no evidence of polygyny (multiple wives) in Phoenicia.However, there was some oppression in Phoenicia. Priestesses were often prostitutes. Women would be subjected to lower jobs, such as weaving textiles. And women were always carefully covered up in many fabrics and cloth. They had little to no say in the government (despite the rare woman to take the throne) and were, of course, considered lower than men.To be fair, this was normal for the time. It was amazing that they had that much say in society at all. And male priests would be prostitutes too. That was just the way their religion was constructed.

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